On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 01:40:37PM +0100, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
> I feel a very big obstacle for fixing bugs: the lack of modern tools for  
> developing LilyPond.

What, precisely do you mean by this?
- C++ and scheme sucks?  I doubt this will change.
- the build system sucks?  we're working on changing that.
- new contributors spending days fiddling with indentation before
  they can get patches approved?  there's an issue tracker about
  automatically indenting code to avoid this problem.
  (nobody's working on it, but we *do* know about the problem)

I don't think there's many problems that the lilypond developers
aren't already aware of (although, tautogically, I'm not aware of
any problems that I don't know about).  The problem is finding
people to fix them -- yes, even to fix the problems in developer
tools (and developer "processes", such as bug reports).

Take a look at the "maintainability" tag in the tracker.  Almost
all of those things are items which slow down (or even
discourage/prevent) development.

Now who's going to start fixing them?

- Graham

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