On 2011-01-05 11:13, Graham Percival wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 10:09:27AM +0000, James wrote:
>> Marc,
>> What I think we need actually - slightly off topic - is a nice
>> LilyPond-glyph similar in essence to when you see the word 'Latex'
>> in a body of text. I suppose some would call it a 'logotype' or
>> colophon.
>> tagline = \markup { "Engraved by \musicglyph #"scripts.lilylogo" }
> I've mused about trying to create a logo using the markup
> commands.  If you think about all the graphical ones, plus music
> glyphs, there's a lot of options.  The "d" could be a rotated bass
> clef, the ls could be compressed treble clefs, the p could be a
> half note, etc.

I tend not to like those assembled logos very much.  Most of the time,
they end up too clumsy IMHO; more like something quickly hacked
together, just for the sake of quoting musical symbols.
However, I'd certainly use a predefined command for the inclusion of
something like Valentin's logos from lilynet.net. [*]  (Sadly, I don't
remember the correct address where I downloaded it from.  I mean the SVG
sources of <http://www.lilynet.net/img/lilylogo.png> and
 One might argue that the quaver looks childish, but IMHO it does in a
very joyful and charming manner.  And I really like the lilys, but I'm
not sure whether a full-colored logo is a good default choice.

[*] I actually already used these once, but in a separate title page
generated with inkscape, not via LilyPond itself.


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