Am Sunday, 21. August 2011, 21:26:38 schrieb Janek Warchoł:
> > Did the "git pull" give any messages?
> I don't remember what it said the first time, but now it says
> "From ssh://
>  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
> Current branch master is up to date."
> The second line looks suspicious to me...

That just means that it has updated downloaded something from the server...

Ah, wait, it should actually write origin/master instead of FETCH_HEAD. Does 
that change if you add the fetch: line to .git/config?

> > Quite useful is also "git branch"...
> I don't understand how git branch is related to my problem?

To check whether you are really on the master branch ("git status" also tells 
you, though).

> > BTW, I'm using qgit as graphical frontend, where you can easily see all
> > branches, all tags, or look at each patch separately and even see who
> > last changed each line of a file.
> I tried gitk once and decided that i prefer working with command line,
> because it doesn't show me things i don't understand :P

I'm using qgit to VIEW the repository and the patches/changes. And also when I 
need to find out who last changed a particular line in a file. (i.e. "git 
blame", but with a nicer gui).

For commiting, pushing, fetching, rebasing etc. I'm also using the command 
line - much more efficient than any gui can ever be.

> >> And these are the contents of my .git/config:
> > [...]
> > 
> >> [remote "origin"]
> >>       url = ssh://
> > 
> > Here I also have:
> >        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> > 
> > That is not really required if you only intend to work with
> > origin/master. It just causes "git fetch" to download all branches on
> > the server (e.g. the translations branch, the 2.14 branch, the developer
> > branches, etc.).
> I guess i don't need to download those...

Actually, this might be the reason why your origin/master is not updating... 
Without this line, git pull also doesn't know that it should update 
origin/master, it just updates your current checkout. This line tells git that 
all branches on the server (i.e. refs/heads/[branchname]) should be stored 
locally as origin/[branchname] (i.e. as refs/remotes/origin/[branchname] in 
terms of git's reference system)
So, please add it and check again.

> I see something interesting: it's written here
> that when i call 'git pull --verbose' it should say "(...) From
> ssh:// (...)".  When i try it, it
> says "From ssh://" (i.e. without any
> username).

Here, too. That's fine.


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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