First of all I would like to apologize for misjudging Lilypond project.

As for all the emails that were written it the last two days, I believe
that a sort of coordination is needed in each project. Maybe for some of
them there must be one boss with many programmers and designers, while for
other projects a better solution is to create several small loosely
connected groups, nevertheless each of them having a leader.

As a person who knows only a bit of Lilypond, I would like to get a better
view of Lilypond, so I'd like to ask some questions:

   - What's the aim of Lilypond? And why isn't it competing with Finale and
   Sibellius? Aren't all three programs "making PDF files with music"? Of
   course Finale and Sibellius have some other functionalities, but the common
   one is related to PDFs.
   - Every computer program and in fact every thing or machine have a "most
   common user". How would you describe a most common user of Lilypond? How
   does he/she use Lilypond, what kind of music (and how complex) does they
   (re-)write? What annoys or disturbs them most in Lilypond?
   - Let's assume that I would like to help in developing Lilypond, but I
   don't have my own idea, what part of it I could improve. What would you
   suggest me to do?

If everybody does it in his own local way, it is more a distraction than
> anything else.  "How does one do x in LilyPond?" "Depends on whether you
> are talking about functionality written by Mike, David, Han-Wen, Jan,
> Graham, Carl or Werner".  That's not what a user wants to hear.

Are there some guidelines how to write new code to work in the same manner
as the already written code? If no, is there a person (several people?)
that could answer such questions?

Well, uniform code is nice, modular code is better.  You don't need to
> worry about uniformity if everything actually calls the same code.  And
> if you need to change how it works, being able to do it in one place is
> much less likely to cause problems.  Of course, that needs to touch
> foreign code in a lot of places instead of just leading by example.  And
> that's where actual leadership is helpful since it can _make_ people
> change their _own_ code, and they usually are much better qualified to
> see problems in connection with those changes than a self-appointed
> global janitor can hope to be.

I totally agree.

> > I think a good policy is that, when working on that which one wants to
> > work on, one should always strive to do it in a way that leads to
> > better maintainability and extensibility.
> If those efforts are not coordinated, there is no end user benefit.

"Coordinated" does NOT mean slavery and being a bored, sad programmer ;)
 It just means that no one is "a self-appointed janitor", because there is
always someone, who keeps an eye on some guidelines of a quality of a
Lilypond code.

Hoping to read soon your answers to my questions,
Łukasz Czerwiński
lilypond-devel mailing list

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