----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival" <gra...@percival-music.ca>
To: <lilypond.patchy.gra...@gmail.com>
Cc: <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: Patchy email

On Sun, Jan 08, 2012 at 10:37:51PM -0800, lilypond.patchy.gra...@gmail.com wrote:

nice make doc -j3 CPU_COUNT=3

Previous good commit: 820c7ff5d380e8ca52057717ab3176b5e40107fd

Current broken commit: 42984d05239a3c3be1ea859ba5214ce140448afc

The error message from this is the same as we had on jan 7:

Error ignored by lilylib
lilypond-book.py (GNU LilyPond) 2.15.25
Error trapped by lilypond-book

Please see

when that file only contains:

GNU LilyPond 2.15.25

Forking into jobs:  (18440 18439 18438)

job 2 terminated with signal: 11
fatal error: Children (2) exited with errors.

Further info on this. You should be able to find the logfile lilypond-multi-run-2.log (the 2 is the job number/child number as above). If it's still there and not been nuked by a subsequent build, see what that says. As a general rule, if you get a logfile with "Forking into jobs" you'll also get these multi-run logs, with the job/child number indicating the logfile to examine next.

That said, when I deliberately cause a multi-cpu job to fail, I get this more helpful logfile:

GNU LilyPond 2.15.25

Forking into jobs:  (6264 6263 6262 6261 6260 6259 6258 6257 6256)
logfile lilypond-multi-run-7.log (exit 1):
Converting to `/home/phil/TestFolder/MultiSnippets/2d/lily-4a739af2-32.pdf'...
Writing /home/phil/TestFolder/MultiSnippets/2d/lily-4a739af2-systems.texi...
Writing /home/phil/TestFolder/MultiSnippets/2d/lily-4a739af2-systems.tex...
Writing /home/phil/TestFolder/MultiSnippets/2d/lily-4a739af2-systems.count...
fatal error: failed files: "93/lily-d1ddc9d7.ly"
fatal error: Children (7) exited with errors.

I'm beginning to suspect that we have a random build failure,
rather than an actual problem in staging right now (or even on Jan
7).  This is the only case where I haven't seen any info in the

I've had a quick look on the web for signal:11 and most answers seem to indicate a segmentation fault. The lack of the further diagnostic info in the logfile might point to this as well.

Phil Holmes

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