Graham Percival <> writes:

> In order to reduce our bus factor[1] -- especially considering the
> distinctly non-zero possibility that I'll be gone at the end of
> March -- somebody else needs to run the Patchy staging-merge
> script.  To make this more presssing, I am refusing to run this
> script myself after 29 Jan 2012.

I'll hopefully will have received a new laptop by then, but it needs
more setup work than the last one (I can't just take over the hard disk
like previously, as it is ATA->SATA).

It will be a Core duo, but still not really fast.  Obviously putting
myself responsible here will reduce friction for my own contributions
and may lead to work on the patchy-staging process.

It would take computer and human resources, however.  And I have work of
my own I want to achieve with my human resources before going broke, and
I am fabulously bad at focusing on more than one project.  So a
reasonably reliant commitment would be subject to several people (who
feel that that is the best investment in LilyPond they can make if they
can't invest the time) committing a dependable part of their income
regularly.  Keeping the staging-merge going would be about five people
committing to 50€ a month.  That is, of course, not enough for me to
live on.  It merely means that taking on this duty will not further
reduce the amount of time I can spend on LilyPond in total.

It would also mean that for some things that go wrong I'll be flaming
myself and nobody needs to listen.

Wouldn't that alone be worth it?

David Kastrup

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