On Sat, May 05, 2012 at 10:35:02AM +0200, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Il 25/04/2012 12:04, Graham Percival ha scritto:
> [..]
> >>>  I'm trying to learn Python and I'd like to contribute to some frog
> >>>  tasks requiring python (I've starred some frog issues in the tracker).
> >>>  Probably this is too much difficult for a newbie.
> >
> >Currently, makelsr.py adds different amounts of blank lines to
> >some .ly files depending on whether you run it as a full import
> >vs. when you run it locally.  It would be nice if that didn't
> >happen.
> I think that blank lines are not the only problem.

Of course it isn't.  But it's the *easiest*, most *harmless*, way
that you could get started.  It's not an urgent job.  Once
somebody knows python and that script, it's a 5-minute job to fix

That's why I thought it would be perfect for you to start with.
As a general rule of thumb, 5 minutes of experienced developer
time translates to about 5 hours for a complete beginner.  If
you're not a complete beginner at python and the script, then
reduce the estimate according to however you rank your own skill.

> Does it make sense?

It's plausible, but I really don't know how the system works.  You
could try asking John Mandereau.

I still think you should start with an easy job, but if you want
to jump straight into the hard stuff, go ahead.

- Graham

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