A quick note to Werner.  1) apologies for being rather brusque, but I'd
pretty much killed my self getting this sorted - the original code had
some very odd calculation methods in it, and it's the first time I'd
ever touched metafont.  Your follow up is helpful - please ignore my
recent comment on Google - I'm minus a monitor at present and working on
a little used laptop and don't have mail at present, so I'm not working
linearly in time.  I'll look at changing the lengths - I was aware of a
slight difference, although actually I'm not certain it's that important
- these are machine drawn glyphs intending to replicate hand-drawn clefs
from the 15th century.  How important is 0.1 staff space?

As for the indents, I now understand what you're saying.  I use Gedit
and by default for mf files it puts tabs at 4 spaces, and so the
indenting looked completely awry.  IMHO mixing tabs and spaces is a
really bad idea for that reason - different editors indent different
ways.  I just tidied a few of the more obvious ones near my code, but
will get rid of those once I have a working monitor.

As for the overlaps.  Ditto I'll look at that.  The original code
calculated end points in a very odd way - it allowed, for example, of
different amounts of shift between the breves, and then ignored that in
the calculation of the decorations.  I'll see if I can improve this.


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