File lily/ (left):
lily/ doesn't touch the right column. */
This comment tells me what the code did, but not why.
When setting spacing constraints for a column on the right, it was
checking columns to the left until they were too far to matter, then
checking the line-broken version of one column farther back to the

This could matter for cases where the broken version (likely a clef and
key signature) interleaves more with intervening note-columns that the
unbroken version (likely a barline).  The simplest example I can think
of is

\paper{ragged-right = ##t }
music = {
  \grace { \stemDown <b,-1-2-3>8[ c d] }
  <e'-1-2-3-4-5>4 r2.}
\new PianoStaff \with {
  fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
} <<
  \new Staff{\clef alto R1 \music \break \music}
  \new Staff{\clef alto R1 R1*2 }

Maybe more relevant cases come up in medieval music?

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