
On 5 October 2012 00:19, Ian Hulin <i...@hulin.org.uk> wrote:
> This is a proposal to move the triplet/tuplet discussion forward.
> There will be new commands to supplement (or eventually replace) the
> current \times command.
> 1. \tuplet n/m {<music expression>}
> %  does what \times does, but not so easily confused with \time
> %  command.
> 2. \triplet {<music expression>} % shorthand for current
> %  \times 2/3 command
> 3. \duplet {<music expression} % shorthand for current
> %  \times 3/2 command
> 4. \quadruplet {<music expression} % shorthand for current
> %  \times 6/4 command
> 5. \sextuplet {<music expression} % shorthand for current
> %  \times 4/6 command

Do we need all these commands?

Can't we just have \tupelet and then a qualifier (or whatever it is
called) that then determines if it is 3/2. 2/3, 6/4 etc.

I may be the only one but no one that I play with makes any
distinction from a musical point of view between a 'tupelet' that is
2/3 and one that is, say, 5/3 or 6/4. They are all 'tupelets.


Am I missing something Ian (if so, sorry)?


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