On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 06:12:16PM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> Does anybody know _why_ convert-ly updates at least to the last stable
> version number even if nothing else has been changed?

Yes, because it's confusing for some users if they've downloaded
the latest and greatest lilypond 2.18.0, run convert-ly, and see
that their files are 2.17.37.  If you check the git history on
convert-ly or convert-rules, then check the mailing list archives
from a few days before then, you'll see the discussion.  Or this
might even be in the issue tracker.

Also, when dealing with large collections of files, it's
reassuring that the files really are current as-of 2.x.0.  I mean,
if I see input/regression/foo.ly being 2.13.5, does that mean that
people forgot to run convert-ly, or does it mean that it really
has no syntax changes since then?

> But for another, it loses significant information.  Is there some way we
> can retain this information?

I don't think that's useful info, but I suppose that there's
little harm in adding an option to convert-ly which writes a
comment with the previous revision.  It shouldn't be the default
behaviour, though.

- Graham

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