Hi Carl,

I am at this point trying to get familiar with some of the source code and 
reading the documentation. It would be great if you could tell me about 
LilyPond's current way of representing chords. Is there any data structure at 
all that represents a chord beyond simply the notes that make it up? In what 
modules in the code is this representation defined and used? And it would be 
great if you could point me toward helpful documentation for this, and for 
anything else you deem appropriate. I appreciate the help—I'm new to LilyPond, 
and to open source projects in general, and am still trying to get a sense of 

Also, I've been having trouble with joining the mailing lists. I've followed 
the instructions to subscribe and was told I would receive conformation 
instructions, but I haven't. I understand that the servers dealing with that 
are currently down, so please excuse the fact that I'm not able to communicate 
on those lists at the moment. I would appreciate any help you could give me in 
that regard—is there another way to subscribe to the lists? I really want to 
dive right into the community.

I also understand there is a period of "community bonding" for the GSoC. I'd 
love to hear about that in more detail.

And finally, after I have the information about the chord representation and 
have studied the source code and documentation a little more thoroughly, it 
would be great if I could send you a draft of my proposal for you to look over 
and edit.

Thanks a lot for all the help,


From: Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 4:29:06 PM
To: Winston, Charles R.
Cc: lilypond-devel@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Google SoC

On 3/28/17 2:15 PM, "Winston, Charles R." <charles.wins...@tufts.edu>

>Hi Carl,
>I've thought of some basic ideas, let me know what you think.
>A basic chord data structure should include the following elements:
>- root
>- quality (major, minor, diminished, etc.)
>- extensions (2nd, 7th, 9th, 13th etc.)
>Other ideal features would be:
>- scale degree (I, ii, IV, V, etc.)
>- voicing/inversion
>- implied notes left off the chord. For example, say I want a C major
>chord, but with no fifth. Since G (the fifth) is by default included in a
>C major chord, there must be the ability to leave off the G.
>I think these features would lend themselves well to the current chord
>input modes as well as new easy and meaningful chord input modes, and
>they would also lend themselves to the current pop, jazz, and classical
>conventions of naming and characterizing
> chords.


I think that the internal chord structure should be chosen to meet musical
needs, not to match input syntax needs.  We can adjust the input syntax as

The discussion about the chord structure should probably take place on
lilypond-user.  I'm certainly not the one who should make the decision.

Please raise the issue on lilypond-user.



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