
Another ten days has passed…

I guess I don't understand how the Lilypond development process works. I keep 
hearing we need people to jump in and learn how to develop/improve Lilypond. I 
took the initiative, found an issue I thought I could tackle, and offered a 
solution that appears to work with no unintended side-effects. I've now asked 
twice whether I should move towards a submittable patch, but have received no 
response in several weeks.

I will almost certainly require some hand-holding through the git process (n.b. 
I've already got LilyDev set up and running on my machine), which is one of the 
reasons I chose such a small bug as my first project. I guess I'll just push 
forward and try to get a patch submitted on my own, and come back to the list 
with any obstacles I hit during the git-ting process.

I realize everybody's doing all of this essentially in their spare time… but 
perhaps there's a way that people like me — who are trying to get themselves up 
to speed so that they can contribute more on the development side — could be 
guided/mentored a little more? Otherwise it's a little discouraging, and thus 
probably not the *best* plan towards increasing the developer pool.


> Hello,
> Just checking on this, since a week has passed since I asked…
> Should I start moving towards a submittable patch?
> Thanks,
> Kieren.
>> Hi David,
>>> Maybe check the effects that super- and subscripts cause on a block of text?
>> Good thought. Doesn't seem to have a negative effect.
>> Other thoughts?
>> Or should I start moving towards a submittable patch?

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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