> I am not top posting

I am reporting a problem from the facebook group,
someone trying to use midi2ly on mac.

It also failed for me on 3 different macs.

So, I entered it on lilytestissues as:
#5151 midi2ly on mac: midi.so wrong architecture

Their report was:

Hi! When a try a midi2ly, I get this:
File "/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/midi2ly", line 54,
in <module>
import midi
2): no suitable image found. Did find:
mach-o, but wrong architecture
mach-o, but wrong architecture
Any idea of the problem?

My initial tests resulted in a similar error about wrong architecture on
one (OSX 10.11.6).   (The other one resulted in an error "RuntimeWarning:
Python C API version mismatch for module midi: This Python has API version
1013, module midi has version 1012" (OSX 10.9.5)--that one is likely my
fault due to a failed attempt to build lilypond dependencies.)

Here is an MWE of sorts, a round trip from lilypond to midi, then running
midi2ly on that midi file.  Also, to show the midi file was reasonable, I
imported it into a DAW and bounded it as an mp3.

The error on the mac for this example (OSX 10.11.5) was:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/midi2ly", line
54, in <module>
    import midi
2): no suitable image found.  Did find:

mach-o, but wrong architecture

%%% File: fifth-and-back.ly %%%
\version "2.19.15"

#(define output-suffix "output")
\score {
        \relative c'' {
            \tempo "Allegro con brio" 4=144
            \time 2/4 r8 g8\ff [ 8 8 ] | ees2 ~ | 2 |
    \layout { }
    \midi { }

command line:
$ lilypond fifth-and-back.ly

fifth-and-back-output.pdf is attached
fifth-and-back-output.midi is attached.
Here is the contents of the midi file when looking in a text editor:

4d54 6864 0000 0006 0001 0002 0180 4d54
726b 0000 0053 00ff 030d 636f 6e74 726f
6c20 7472 6163 6b00 ff01 0963 7265 6174
6f72 3a20 00ff 011e 474e 5520 4c69 6c79
506f 6e64 2032 2e31 392e 3135 2020 2020
2020 2020 2020 00ff 5804 0202 1208 00ff
5103 06ef 9100 ff2f 004d 5472 6b00 0000
3a00 ff03 055c 6e65 773a 00b0 0764 8140
b007 6400 9043 6581 4090 4300 0090 4365
8140 9043 0000 9043 6581 4090 4300 0090
3f65 8c00 903f 0000 ff2f 00

Now, running midi2ly on the file fifth-and-back-output.midi

$ midi2ly fifth-and-back-output.midi
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/midi2ly", line
54, in <module>
    import midi
2): no suitable image found.  Did find:

mach-o, but wrong architecture

Please let me know what else I should do to register the bug properly, as
this is my first attempt.

David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist

Attachment: fifth-and-back-output.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: fifth-and-back-output.midi
Description: MIDI audio

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