On 20.07.2017 00:45, Dan Eble wrote:
On Jul 19, 2017, at 15:19, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

Paul <p...@paulwmorris.com <mailto:p...@paulwmorris.com>> writes:

It's usually `a = b` or `\a b` but not `\a = b` or `\a b = c`.
You can only use markup functions when refered to in markup mode, so it
makes sense to me to define them in markup mode.
The phrase “define them in markup mode” suggests this to me:

        \markup { blabla = \with-color #red \etc }

Now we’re brainstorming:

\markup { \define blabla \with-color #red \etc }
\markup { \define { blabla = \with-color #red \etc } }

This is half-serious at most.

Best, Simon

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