> On 23 May 2018, at 18:12, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:
>> I ended up using GC_malloc_uncollectable, because it turned out too
>> tricky to use malloc.
> This is C++, so we basically end up with operator ::new and operator
> ::delete unless overriden by individual classes.  They use

This what they suggest for the Boehm GC, and it is what caused problems in my 

> ...the
> equivalent of GC_malloc_uncollectable.

So what exactly is this in the Boehm GC?

>> And I found no reference to it in LilyPond, so I got curious about how
>> you do it. But you are not going to tell me, so forget about it.
> You know, if you actually bothered _asking_, you'd increase your chances
> of getting an answer.

Typically when the item is brought up people would say "Yes, we use this or 
that", rather than long bodies of text with no such information.

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