I've noticed that having

min-systems-per-page  = 2

can in some circumstances cause LilyPond to hang. The attached
non-minimal file exhibits this behavior:

Starting lilypond 2.20.0 [NonTypesettablePart.ly]...
Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-
Interpreting music...[8][16]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...[8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64][72]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...[8][16][24][32]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...[8][16][24][32][40][48]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... 
Drawing systems... 
Fitting music on 5 pages...
[hangs ... manual abort]
Aborting lilypond 2.20.0 [NonTypesettablePart.ly]...

commenting out the line
min-systems-per-page  = 2
allows it to typeset normally, curiously it does not have an orphan

I just wondered if this is a known issue - I don't see it mentioned in
the docs


there is a very large amount of irrelevant material in the attached
lily file which I would be in the best position to excise if that were
useful, but I wouldn't want to undertake the task if the issue was
already known about, or there was no-one wanting to work on it anyway,
or indeed if it wouldn't really help as this bug is not at all likely
to be due to some typo to be spotted by eye.
Let me know if help would be welcomed.

Richard Shann

% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 2.4.4


\version "2.20"

CompactChordSymbols = {}
#(define DenemoTransposeStep 0)
#(define DenemoTransposeAccidental 0)
DenemoGlobalTranspose = \void {}
titledPiece = {}
AutoBarline = {}
AutoEndMovementBarline = \bar "|."
#(define DenemoTransposeStep 2)
#(define DenemoTransposeAccidental -1/2)

DenemoGlobalTranspose = #(define-music-function (parser location arg)(ly:music?) #{\transpose c ees#arg #})
#(define denemo-top-margin -5)
tupletBracketToSlur = {
  % Use slur-stencil
  \override TupletBracket.stencil = #ly:slur::print
  %% Use 'thickness from Slur
  \override TupletBracket.thickness = #1.2
  %% 'control-points need to be set
  \override TupletBracket.control-points =
    #(lambda (grob)
      (let* ((x-pos (ly:grob-property grob 'X-positions))
             (pos (ly:grob-property grob 'positions))
             (x-ln (interval-length x-pos))
             (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
             ;; read out the height of the TupletBracket, maybe negative!
             (height (- (cdr pos) (car pos)))
             ;; height-corr is introduced because sometimes the shape of the
             ;; slur needs to be adjusted.
             ;; It is used in the 2nd/3rd control-point.
             ;; The value of 0.3 is found by trial and error
             (height-corr (* 0.3 dir height))
             (edge-height (ly:grob-property grob 'edge-height '(0.7 . 0.7)))
             (pad 1.0))
          ;; first cp
            (+ (car x-pos) 0.5)
            (- (+ (* dir pad) (+ (car pos) (* -1 dir (car edge-height))))
              (if (= dir -1)
                  (if (> height 3)
                    (/ dir 2.0)
                  (if (< height -3)
                    (/ dir 2.0)
          ;; second cp
            (+ (car x-pos) (* x-ln 1/4))
            (+ (* dir pad) (+ (car pos) (* dir (+ 0.5 height-corr)))))
          ;; third cp
            (+ (car x-pos) (* x-ln 3/4))
            (+ (* dir pad) (+ (cdr pos) (* dir (- 0.5 height-corr)))))
          ;; fourth cp
            (- (cdr x-pos) 0.5)
            (+ (* dir pad) (+ (cdr pos) (* -1 dir (cdr edge-height)))))
  \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = #'()
  #(define (invert-direction x) (if (eq? UP (ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction x)) DOWN UP))
\override TupletBracket.direction = #invert-direction
\version "2.20.0"
%%% book-titling.ily  -- a titling stylesheet for use in books
%%% Author: Nicolas Sceaux <nicolas.sce...@free.fr>

%%% Utility markups

%% vertical space skip
#(define-markup-command (vspace layout props amount) (number?)
  "This produces a invisible object taking vertical space."
  (let ((amount (* amount 3.0)))
    (if (> amount 0)
        (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons 0 amount))
        (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons amount amount)))))

#(define-markup-command (when-property layout props symbol markp) (symbol? markup?)
  (if (chain-assoc-get symbol props)
      (interpret-markup layout props markp)
      (ly:make-stencil '()  '(1 . -1) '(1 . -1))))

#(define-markup-command (line-width-ratio layout props width-ratio arg) (number? markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:override (cons 'line-width (* width-ratio (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props)))

%%% Guile does not deal with accented letters
#(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
%%;; actually defined below, in a closure
#(define-public string-upper-case #f)
#(define accented-char-upper-case? #f)
#(define accented-char-lower-case? #f)

%%;; an accented character is seen as two characters by guile
#(let ((lower-case-accented-string "éèêëáàâäíìîïóòôöúùûüçœæ")
       (upper-case-accented-string "ÉÈÊËÁÀÂÄÍÌÎÏÓÒÔÖÚÙÛÜÇŒÆ"))
   (define (group-by-2 chars result)
      (if (or (null? chars) (null? (cdr chars)))
          (reverse! result)
          (group-by-2 (cddr chars)
                      (cons (string (car chars) (cadr chars))
   (let ((lower-case-accented-chars
          (group-by-2 (string->list lower-case-accented-string) (list)))
          (group-by-2 (string->list upper-case-accented-string) (list))))
     (set! string-upper-case
           (lambda (str)
             (define (replace-chars str froms tos)
               (if (null? froms)
                   (replace-chars (regexp-substitute/global #f (car froms) str
                                                            'pre (car tos) 'post)
                                  (cdr froms)
                                  (cdr tos))))
             (string-upcase (replace-chars str
     (set! accented-char-upper-case?
           (lambda (char1 char2)
             (member (string char1 char2) upper-case-accented-chars string=?)))
     (set! accented-char-lower-case?
           (lambda (char1 char2)
             (member (string char1 char2) lower-case-accented-chars string=?)))))

#(define-markup-command (smallCaps layout props text) (markup?)
  "Turn @code{text}, which should be a string, to small caps.
\\markup \\small-caps \"Text between double quotes\"
@end example"
  (define (string-list->markup strings lower)
    (let ((final-string (string-upper-case
                         (apply string-append (reverse strings)))))
      (if lower
          (markup #:fontsize -2 final-string)
  (define (make-small-caps rest-chars currents current-is-lower prev-result)
    (if (null? rest-chars)
        (make-concat-markup (reverse! (cons (string-list->markup
                                              currents current-is-lower)
        (let* ((ch1 (car rest-chars))
               (ch2 (and (not (null? (cdr rest-chars))) (cadr rest-chars)))
               (this-char-string (string ch1))
               (is-lower (char-lower-case? ch1))
               (next-rest-chars (cdr rest-chars)))
          (cond ((and ch2 (accented-char-lower-case? ch1 ch2))
                 (set! this-char-string (string ch1 ch2))
                 (set! is-lower #t)
                 (set! next-rest-chars (cddr rest-chars)))
                ((and ch2 (accented-char-upper-case? ch1 ch2))
                 (set! this-char-string (string ch1 ch2))
                 (set! is-lower #f)
                 (set! next-rest-chars (cddr rest-chars))))
          (if (or (and current-is-lower is-lower)
                  (and (not current-is-lower) (not is-lower)))
              (make-small-caps next-rest-chars
                               (cons this-char-string currents)
              (make-small-caps next-rest-chars
                               (list this-char-string)
                               (if (null? currents)
                                   (cons (string-list->markup
                                            currents current-is-lower)
  (interpret-markup layout props
    (if (string? text)
        (make-small-caps (string->list text) (list) #f (list))

%%% Title page
\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup = \markup \when-property #'header:title \column {
    \vspace #6
    \fill-line { \fontsize #8 \italic \fromproperty #'header:composer }
    \vspace #1
    \fill-line { \fontsize #8 \italic \fromproperty #'header:poet }
    \vspace #6
    \fill-line { \fontsize #10 \fromproperty #'header:title }
    \vspace #6
    \fill-line { \postscript "-20 0 moveto 40 0 rlineto stroke" }
    \vspace #6
    \fill-line { \fontsize #5 \fromproperty #'header:date }
    \vspace #1 
    \fill-line {
      \when-property #'header:arrangement \column {
        \vspace #5
        \fill-line { \fontsize #3 \fromproperty #'header:arrangement }
  scoreTitleMarkup = \markup \null

%%% Table of contents
#(define-markup-command (paper-prop layout props name default)
  (symbol? markup?)
  "Get the value of a \\paper property, or defaults to some value"
  (let ((val (ly:output-def-lookup layout name)))
    (interpret-markup layout props (if (markup? val)
\paper {
  tocTitleMarkup = \markup \column {
    \vspace #2
    \fontsize #6 \fill-line { \paper-prop #'tocTitle "TABLE OF CONTENTS" }
    \vspace #2
  tocPieceMarkup = \markup \fill-line {
    \line-width-ratio #0.7 \fill-line {
      \line { \fromproperty #'toc:text }
      \fromproperty #'toc:page
  tocSectionMarkup = \markup \italic \column {
    \fill-line { \fromproperty #'toc:text }
  tocChapterMarkup = \markup \large \italic \column {
    \vspace #1
    \fontsize #2 \fill-line { \fromproperty #'toc:text }
    \vspace #1

%%% Markup commands for page headers
#(define-public add-odd-page-header-text #f)
#(define-public add-even-page-header-text #f)
#(define header-markup-aux #f)
#(let ((odd-label-header-table (list))
       (odd-page-header-table (list))
       (even-label-header-table (list))
       (even-page-header-table (list)))
  (set! header-markup-aux
   (lambda (layout props odd)
     (define (page-text page-number table)
       (if (null? table)
           (let* ((elment (car table))
                  (p (car elment))
                  (text (cadr elment))
                  (display-1st (caddr elment)))
             (cond ((and (= page-number p) (not display-1st)) #f)
                   ((>= page-number p) text)
                   (else (page-text page-number (cdr table)))))))
          ,(delay (ly:stencil-expr
                     (if (or (and odd (null? odd-page-header-table))
                             (and (not odd) (null? even-page-header-table)))
                         (let ((page-header-table (list)))
                          (for-each (lambda (label-header)
                                      (let* ((label (car label-header))
                                             (text-disp (cdr label-header))
                                             (table (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'label-page-table))
                                             (label-page (and (list? table) (assoc label table)))
                                             (page-number (and label-page (cdr label-page)))
                                             (prev-value (and page-number (assoc page-number page-header-table))))
                                        (if (not prev-value)
                                            (set! page-header-table (cons (cons page-number text-disp)
                                            (set! page-header-table
                                                  (assoc-set! page-header-table
                                                              (list (car text-disp) (caddr prev-value)))))))
                                    (reverse (if odd odd-label-header-table even-label-header-table)))
                          (if odd
                              (set! odd-page-header-table page-header-table)
                              (set! even-page-header-table page-header-table))))
                     (interpret-markup layout props
                       (let* ((page-number (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1))
                              (text (page-text page-number (if odd odd-page-header-table even-page-header-table)))
                              (text-markup (markup #:italic (or text "")))
                              (page-number-markup (number->string page-number)))
                         (cond ((or (= 1 page-number) (not text)) (markup #:null))
                               (odd (markup #:fill-line (#:null text-markup page-number-markup)))
                               (else (markup #:fill-line (page-number-markup text-markup #:null))))))))))
       (cons 0 0)
       (ly:stencil-extent (interpret-markup layout props "XXX") Y))))
  (set! add-odd-page-header-text
   (lambda (parser text display-1st)
     (let ((label (gensym "header")))
       (set! odd-label-header-table
             (cons (list label text display-1st)
         (make-music 'Music
          'page-marker #t
          'page-label label)))))
  (set! add-even-page-header-text
   (lambda (parser text display-1st)
     (let ((label (gensym "header")))
       (set! even-label-header-table
             (cons (list label text display-1st)
         (make-music 'Music
          'page-marker #t
          'page-label label))))))

#(define-markup-command (odd-header layout props) ()
   (header-markup-aux layout props #t))

#(define-markup-command (even-header layout props) ()
   (header-markup-aux layout props #f))

\paper {
  evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \even-header
  oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \odd-header

%%% Utilities for adding (no-)page breaks, toplevel markups
#(define (add-page-break parser)
   (make-music 'Music
           'page-marker #t
           'line-break-permission 'force
           'page-break-permission 'force)))

#(define (add-no-page-break parser)
   (make-music 'Music
           'page-marker #t
           'page-break-permission 'forbid)))

#(define (add-toplevel-markup parser text)
  (collect-scores-for-book (list text)))

#(define (add-toc-item parser markup-symbol text)
   (add-toc-item! markup-symbol text)))

%%% Rehearsal numbers
#(define-public rehearsal-number #f)
#(define-public increase-rehearsal-major-number #f)
#(let ((major-number 0)
       (minor-number 0))
  (set! increase-rehearsal-major-number
        (lambda ()
          (set! major-number (1+ major-number))
          (set! minor-number 0)))
  (set! rehearsal-number 
        (lambda ()
          (set! minor-number (1+ minor-number))
          (format #f "~a-~a" major-number minor-number))))

#(define-public (add-rehearsal-number parser)
    (list (markup #:huge #:bold (rehearsal-number)))))

%%% Commands

#(use-modules (srfi srfi-39))
#(define *book-title* (make-parameter ""))
#(define *use-rehearsal-numbers* (make-parameter #f))

useRehearsalNumbers =
#(define-music-function (use-numbers) (boolean?)
  (*use-rehearsal-numbers* use-numbers)
   (make-music 'Music 'void #t))

bookTitle =
#(define-music-function (title) (string?)
   (*book-title* title)
   (make-music 'Music 'void #t))

chapter =
#(define-music-function (title) (markup?)
  (add-page-break (*parser*))
  (add-toc-item (*parser*) 'tocChapterMarkup title)
  (add-even-page-header-text (*parser*) (string-upper-case (*book-title*)) #f)
  (add-odd-page-header-text (*parser*) (string-upper-case title) #f)
  (add-toplevel-markup (*parser*) (markup #:chapter-title (string-upper-case title)))
  (add-no-page-break (*parser*))
  (make-music 'Music 'void #t))

section =
#(define-music-function (title) (markup?)
  (add-toc-item (*parser*) 'tocSectionMarkup title)
  (add-toplevel-markup (*parser*) (markup #:section-title (string-upper-case title)))
  (add-no-page-break (*parser*))
  (make-music 'Music 'void #t))
piece =
#(define-music-function (title) (markup?)
  (add-toc-item (*parser*) 'tocPieceMarkup title)
  (add-no-page-break (*parser*))
  (add-toplevel-markup (*parser*) (markup #:piece-title (string-upper-case title)))
  (add-no-page-break (*parser*))
  (make-music 'Music 'void #t))
titledPiece =
#(define-music-function (title) (markup?)
  (add-toc-item (*parser*) 'tocPieceMarkup title)
  (if (*use-rehearsal-numbers*)
      (add-toplevel-markup (*parser*)
        (markup #:piece-title-with-number (rehearsal-number) (string-upper-case title)))
      (add-toplevel-markup (*parser*) (markup #:piece-title (string-upper-case title))))
  (add-no-page-break (*parser*))
  (make-music 'Music 'void #t))

#(define-markup-command (chapter-title layout props title) (markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:column (#:vspace 3
                     #:pad-markup 3 #:fill-line (#:fontsize 5 title)))))

#(define-markup-command (section-title layout props title) (markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:column (#:vspace 1
                     #:fill-line (#:fontsize 3 title)
                     #:vspace 1))))

#(define-markup-command (piece-title layout props title) (markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:fill-line (#:override '(line-width . 80) title))))

#(define-markup-command (rehearsal-number layout props number) (markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:huge #:bold number)))

#(define-markup-command (piece-title-with-number layout props number title)
                        (markup? markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
    (markup #:rehearsal-number number
            #:hspace 1
            #:huge title)))


#(define (string-upper-case str) str)
#(define-markup-command (piece-title layout props title) (markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:column (#:vspace 1
                     #:fill-line (#:fontsize 4 title)
                     #:vspace 1))))
#(define-markup-command (when-notproperty layout props symbol markp) (symbol? markup?)
  (if (chain-assoc-get symbol props)
      (ly:make-stencil '()  '(1 . -1) '(1 . -1))
      (interpret-markup layout props markp)))
   (guile-2) ; nothing
   (else ; guile < 2.0
    (define-macro (define-once sym exp)
      `(define ,sym
         (if (module-locally-bound? (current-module) ',sym)
#(define-once denemo-top-margin 6)                     
\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup = \markup \when-property #'header:title {
     { \postscript "
                    1 setlinewidth 40 40 moveto 517 0 rlineto 0 760 rlineto -517 0 rlineto 0 -760 rlineto  stroke
                    0.5 setlinewidth 45 45 moveto 507 0 rlineto 0 750 rlineto -507 0 rlineto 0 -750 rlineto  stroke
                    grestore" }
     \line { 
            \hspace #-1.45 %for some reason the column is centered without this
            \column {
              \when-property #'header:poet \vspace #denemo-top-margin
              \when-notproperty #'header:poet  \vspace #(+ 10 denemo-top-margin)
              \fill-line { \fontsize #8 \italic \fromproperty #'header:composer }
              \vspace #1
              \when-property #'header:poet  
                  \fill-line { \fontsize #8 \italic \fromproperty #'header:poet }
              \when-property #'header:poet     
                  \vspace #6
              \when-notproperty #'header:poet  \vspace #2
              \fill-line { \scale #'(4 . 4) \fromproperty #'header:title }
              \vspace #1
              \fill-line { \postscript "-20 0 moveto 40 0 rlineto stroke" }
              \vspace #6
              \fill-line { \fontsize #5 \fromproperty #'header:date }
              \when-property #'header:date \vspace #6
              \when-property #'header:instrumentation 
                  \fill-line { \fontsize #5 \italic \fromproperty #'header:instrumentation }
                    \when-property #'header:instrumentation \vspace #4
              \when-property #'header:incipit 
                  \fill-line { \fontsize #5 \italic \fromproperty #'header:incipit }
              \vspace #1 
              \fill-line {
                \when-property #'header:arranger \column {
                  \vspace #5
                  \fill-line { \fontsize #3 \fromproperty #'header:arranger }
  scoreTitleMarkup = \markup \null

oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
  \column {
    \fill-line {
      %% Copyright header field only on last page.
      \on-the-fly #last-page { \fromproperty #'header:copyright
      \fromproperty #'header:tagline }
evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup

%\include "vibrato.ily"
tremblement = \markup {\epsfile #X #2 #"/home/rshann/local/share/denemo/actions/graphics/tremblement.eps"}
trill = #(make-articulation "stopped")

% The music follows

MvmntIVoiceI = {
         \partial 256*32  %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:60:15693:18
         a'8. gis'16 a' cis'' b' d'' cis''8-\trill \grace {b'8(}  a') cis'' d''\AutoBarline
         e'' e'' e'' d''16 cis'' b'8-\trill e'8 r b'16 cis''\AutoBarline
         d'' b' gis' d'' cis'' e'' fis'' cis'' dis'' e'' b' dis'' e'' b' cis'' a''\AutoBarline
         gis'' a'' e'' gis'' b' e'' fis' dis'' e''8 e'4 \break \bar ":..:" b''8\AutoBarline
         e''8. dis''16 e'' gis'' fis'' a'' gis''8-\trill \grace {fis''8(}  e'') gis'' a''\AutoBarline
         b''16 gis'' a'' b'' d''8.-\trill( cis''32 d'') cis''8-\trill \grace {b'8(}  a') a'' gis''16 fis''\AutoBarline
         eis'' cis'' fis'' a' gis'4-\trill fis'16 cis'' a' fis' d'' cis'' b'-\trill a'16\AutoBarline
         b' d'' b' gis' e'' d'' cis''-\trill b'16 cis'' e'' cis'' a' a'' gis'' fis'' e''\AutoBarline
         fis'' e'' d'' cis'' d'' cis'' b' a' gis' b' gis' e' e''4~ \AutoBarline
         e''16 e'' cis'' a' d''4~  d''16 d'' b' gis' cis''4~ \AutoBarline
         cis''16 cis'' a' fis' b'4. a'16 gis' a'8 fis''\AutoBarline
         cis''8.( \tuplet 3/2 { b'32 a' b') } b'8.-\trill( a'32 b') a'8 fis'' fis''( e'')\AutoBarline
         a'' d'' d''( cis'') fis'' b' b'( a')\AutoBarline
         d''16( cis'' d'' b') d''( cis'') b'( a') b'8 e' e''( d''16-\trill cis''16)\AutoBarline
         fis'' a'' e'' a'' d'' a'' cis'' a'' b'8 gis''-\trill a''8 a'\AutoBarline
         cis''4 b'-\trill a'4. \bar ":|."}

MvmntIVoiceII = {
         \partial 256*32  r8\AutoBarline
         r4 r8 e' a8. gis16 a cis' b d'\AutoBarline
         cis'8 a cis' d' e' e' e' d'16 cis'\AutoBarline
         b8 e a2 gis8 a\AutoBarline
         b4 b, e4. \bar ":..:" r8\AutoBarline
         r4 r8 b e8. dis16 e gis fis a\AutoBarline
         gis8 e fis gis a4. b8\AutoBarline
         cis' d' b cis' fis4 r8 fis\AutoBarline
         gis4 r8 e a a, cis a,\AutoBarline
         d e fis d e4 r16 gis e cis\AutoBarline
         fis4~  fis16 fis d b, e4~  e16 e cis a,\AutoBarline
         d4~  d16 d b, gis, cis4. d8\AutoBarline
         e4 e, a gis\AutoBarline
         fis e d cis\AutoBarline
         b, a, e8 d cis a,\AutoBarline
         d cis b, a, d4 cis8 d\AutoBarline
         e4 e, a,4. \bar ":|."}

MvmntIVoiceIIBassFiguresLine = \figuremode {
\set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #1
\set figuredBassPlusDirection = #1
\override FiguredBass.BassFigure #'font-size = #-1
%figures follow
\set Staff.implicitBassFigures = #'(0)

<_>16<6>8<_>8<_>8<6 5>8<4>8<_>8<3>8<_>16
<6 5>8
<6 4>4<5 4  >8<  7 _+>8<_>4.
<6 5>8<7 _+>8<_>8<6 5>8<_+>8<_>4<6>8
<_>16<7>4<6>16<_>16<_>16<_>16<7  >4<  6>8
<6 5>8<6 4>4<7>4<5  >8<  6>8
<7  >8<  6>8<7  >8<  6>8<7  >8<  6>8<7  >8<  6>8
<7  >8<  6>8
<7  >8<  6>8<_>4<_>8<_>8<6>8
<_>8<6 5>8<6>8<6>8<_>8<4>4<6>8
<6 5>8<6 4>4<7>4<_>4.

MvmntIIVoiceI = {
         \partial 256*64  %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:98:16322:19
         a'8 cis'' e'' a'' a'4\AutoBarline
         a'2-\trill fis''4\AutoBarline
         e''8 d'' cis'' b' a' gis'\AutoBarline
         a'2 fis''4\AutoBarline
         e''8 a'' gis'' fis'' e'' d''\AutoBarline
         cis''4-\trill b'2\AutoBarline
         e''4 d''8 cis'' b' a'\AutoBarline
         gis' e' fis' gis' a' b'\AutoBarline
         cis'' d'' e'' fis'' gis'' a''\AutoBarline
         d''4.( cis''16-\trill b'16) cis''8 e''\AutoBarline
         fis'' a' b'4 gis'-\trill\AutoBarline
         a'2 e''4\AutoBarline
         cis''-\trill \grace {b'8(}  a'4) e''\AutoBarline
         a''8 d'' cis''4 fis''\AutoBarline
         e''8 a' gis'4-\trill a'4\AutoBarline
         b' e' b'\AutoBarline
         cis''8 e'' a''4. cis''8\AutoBarline
         dis'' fis'' a''4. dis''8\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { e''( fis'' dis'') } \tuplet 3/2 { e''( fis'' dis'') } \tuplet 3/2 { e''( fis'' dis'') }         e'' fis''16 gis'' a''4. b''8\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { gis''-\trill( fis''8 e'') } fis''2-\trill\AutoBarline
         e''8 b' gis' b' cis'' dis'\AutoBarline
         e' cis'' fis'2-\trill\AutoBarline
         e'2 \pageBreak \break \bar ":..:" b'4\AutoBarline
         gis'8 e' gis' b' \tuplet 3/2 { cis''( d'' b') }         a' fis' a' cis'' \tuplet 3/2 { d''( e'' cis'') }         b' gis' b' d'' \tuplet 3/2 { e''( fis'' d'') }         cis''4 a' cis''\AutoBarline
         d''8 cis'' b' a' gis' fis'\AutoBarline
         eis' cis'' gis'' cis'' cis''4~ \AutoBarline
         cis''8 cis'' fis'' b' b'4~ \AutoBarline
         b'8 gis' a' fis' cis'' fis''\AutoBarline
         d'' b' a'4 gis'-\trill\AutoBarline
         fis'8 cis''4 fis'' e''8\AutoBarline
         dis'' b' dis'' fis'' b'' a''\AutoBarline
         gis'' b'4 e'' d''8\AutoBarline
         cis'' a' cis'' e'' a'' g'' %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:105:16774:19
         fis''4 d'' fis''\AutoBarline
         g''8 fis'' e'' d'' cis'' b'\AutoBarline
         ais' fis'' cis''' fis'' fis''4~ \AutoBarline
         fis''8 fis'' b'' e'' e''4~ \AutoBarline
         e''8 cis'' d'' b' fis'' b''\AutoBarline
         g'' cis'' d''4 cis''-\trill\AutoBarline
         b'8 dis'' fis'' b'' b'4\AutoBarline
         b'2-\trill e'4\AutoBarline
         a'8 cis'' e'' a'' a'4\AutoBarline
         a'2-\trill fis''4\AutoBarline
         e''8 d'' cis'' b' a' gis'\AutoBarline
         a'2 fis''4\AutoBarline
         e''8 a'' gis'' fis'' e'' d''\AutoBarline
         cis''4 b'2\AutoBarline
         e''4 d''8 cis'' b' a'\AutoBarline
         gis' e' fis' gis' a' b'\AutoBarline
         cis'' d'' e'' fis'' gis'' a''\AutoBarline
         d''4.( cis''16 b') cis''8 e''\AutoBarline
         fis'' a' b'4 gis'-\trill\AutoBarline
         a'2 e''4\AutoBarline
         fis''8 a' fis' d' b' fis''\AutoBarline
         gis'' b' gis' e' cis'' gis''\AutoBarline
         a'' cis'' a' fis' d'' a''\AutoBarline
         b'' d'' b' gis' e'' b''\AutoBarline
         cis''' e'' cis'' a' fis'' a'\AutoBarline
         gis' fis'' e'' gis'' a'' e''\AutoBarline
         d'' cis'' b'4.-\trill( a'16 b')\AutoBarline
         a'2 e''4\AutoBarline
         fis''8 a'16 g' fis' e' d'8 b' fis'' %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:90:17272:20
         gis''8 b'16 a' gis' fis' e'8 cis'' gis''\AutoBarline
         a'' cis''16 b' a' gis' fis'8 d'' a''\AutoBarline
         b'' d''16 cis'' b' a' gis'8 e'' b''\AutoBarline
         cis''' e''16 d'' cis'' b' a'8 fis'' a'\AutoBarline
         gis' fis'' e'' gis'' a'' e''\AutoBarline
         d'' cis'' b'4.-\trill( a'16 b')\AutoBarline
         a'2 \bar ":|."}

MvmntIIVoiceII = {
         \partial 256*64  r4\AutoBarline
 a,2 r4\AutoBarline
         a,8 cis e a a,4\AutoBarline
         a,2 b,4\AutoBarline
         cis8 b, cis a, d4\AutoBarline
         a, e e,\AutoBarline
         a, e d\AutoBarline
         cis2 d4\AutoBarline
         e r8 e fis gis\AutoBarline
         a b cis'4 a\AutoBarline
         b gis a\AutoBarline
         d8 fis e4 e,\AutoBarline
         a,8 cis e a a,4\AutoBarline
         a, a gis\AutoBarline
         fis e d\AutoBarline
         cis b, a,\AutoBarline
         e8 dis e fis gis e\AutoBarline
         a gis fis gis a fis\AutoBarline
         b a gis a b gis\AutoBarline
         cis'4 b a\AutoBarline
         gis fis dis\AutoBarline
         e b b,\AutoBarline
         e2 a,4\AutoBarline
         gis,8 a, b,2\AutoBarline
         e, \bar ":..:" r4\AutoBarline
         e2 eis4\AutoBarline
         fis2 fis4\AutoBarline
         gis2 gis4\AutoBarline
         a2 a,4\AutoBarline
         b,2 b,4\AutoBarline
         cis2 cis4\AutoBarline
         dis2 eis4\AutoBarline
         fis2 a,4\AutoBarline
         b, cis cis,\AutoBarline
         fis,8 fis ais cis' ais fis\AutoBarline
         b4 b, r\AutoBarline
         r8 e gis b gis e\AutoBarline
         a4 a, cis %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:102:16836:19
         d4 fis d\AutoBarline
         e g e\AutoBarline
         fis fis, fis\AutoBarline
         gis2 ais4\AutoBarline
         b2 d4\AutoBarline
         e fis fis,\AutoBarline
         b, b a\AutoBarline
         gis e d\AutoBarline
         cis a, r\AutoBarline
         a,8 cis e a a,4\AutoBarline
         a,2 b,4\AutoBarline
         cis8 b, cis a, d4\AutoBarline
         a, e e,\AutoBarline
         a, e d\AutoBarline
         cis2 d4\AutoBarline
         e r8 e fis gis\AutoBarline
         a b cis'4 a\AutoBarline
         b gis a\AutoBarline
         d8 fis e4 e,\AutoBarline
         a, cis a,\AutoBarline
         d2 dis4\AutoBarline
         e2 e4\AutoBarline
         fis2 fis4\AutoBarline
         gis2 gis4\AutoBarline
         a2 d4\AutoBarline
         d2 cis4\AutoBarline
         d e e,\AutoBarline
         a, cis a,\AutoBarline
         d2 dis4 %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:99:17334:20
         e2 e4\AutoBarline
         fis2 fis4\AutoBarline
         gis2 gis4\AutoBarline
         a2 d4\AutoBarline
         d2 cis4\AutoBarline
         d e e,\AutoBarline
         a,2 \bar ":|."}

MvmntIIVoiceIIBassFiguresLine = \figuremode {
\set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #1
\set figuredBassPlusDirection = #1
\override FiguredBass.BassFigure #'font-size = #-1
%figures follow
\set Staff.implicitBassFigures = #'(0)

<6 4>4<3>2
<6 5>4<_>4<_>4
<6 5>4<_>4<_>8<_>8<_>8
<_>4<6 5>8<_>8<4>4
<_>8<6 5>8<_>8<_>8<_>8<_>8
<7 _+>4<_>2
<6 5  >8<  4+>8<6>8<6 5>8
<4  >4<  7 _+>4
<9 7  >4<  8 6 5>4
<_>4<7  >4<  6>4
<5/>4<4  >4<  _+>4
<6>4<6 5>4<6 4>4
<7 _+>4
<9 _->4<6>4
<_>4<7  >4<  6>4
<5/>4<4  >4<  3>4
<6>4<6 5 _->4<6 4>4
<7 _+>4
<6 4>4<3>2
<6 5>4<_>4<_>4
<6 5>4<_>4<_>8<_>8<_>8
<_>4<6 5>8<_>8<4>4
<6>4<9 7>2
<8 6 5>4<7>2
<6 5>4<4>2
<6 5>4<4>4
<6>4<9 7>2
<8 6 5>4
<6 5>4<4>2
<6>4<6 5>4<4>4

MvmntIIIVoiceI = {
 cis''2 \grace {b'8(}  a'2) fis''\AutoBarline
         fis''-\trill e''2 a''\AutoBarline
         gis''4.( a''16 b'') e''4.( fis''16 gis'') b'4.( cis''16 d'')\AutoBarline
         cis''2-\trill \grace {b'8(}  a'2) e''\AutoBarline
         d''4. cis''8 d''4. e''8 cis''4. d''8\AutoBarline
         b'2-\trill \grace {a'8(}  gis'2) a'~ \AutoBarline
         a'4. fis''8 b'1-\trill\AutoBarline
         a'1 cis''2\AutoBarline
         cis''( b') d''\AutoBarline
         d''-\trill( cis''2) e''\AutoBarline
         a''4. fis''8 dis''4. b'8 fis''4. a''8\AutoBarline
         gis''2-\trill \grace {fis''8(}  e''2) a''~ \AutoBarline
         a'' gis'' eis''\AutoBarline
         fis'' b''4. a''8 gis''4. fis''8\AutoBarline
         eis''4.-\trill cis''8 cis''4. b'8 b'4.( gis'8)\AutoBarline
         a'4. fis''8 gis'1-\trill\AutoBarline
         fis'1 r2\AutoBarline
         r b'' a''\AutoBarline
         gis''2.-\trill fis''4 e''2\AutoBarline
         r a'' e''\AutoBarline
         fis''4.( e''16 d'') d''4.( cis''16 b') b'4.( cis''16 a')\AutoBarline
         gis'1-\trill r2\AutoBarline
         r e'' d''\AutoBarline
         cis''1-\trill b'2\AutoBarline
         r e'' d''\AutoBarline
         cis'' fis'' e''\AutoBarline
         a'' d'' cis''\AutoBarline
         fis'' b' a'\AutoBarline
         d''2. e''4 \grace {d''8(}  cis''2)\AutoBarline
         b'1-\trill e''2\AutoBarline
         e''4.( cis''8) d''2 d''\AutoBarline
         d''-\trill cis''2 e''\AutoBarline
         fis'' b'' a''\AutoBarline
         gis''2.-\trill fis''4 e''4. d''8\AutoBarline
         cis''4.( b'16 a') b'1-\trill\AutoBarline
         a'1 e''2~ \AutoBarline
         e'' dis''1-\trill\AutoBarline
         e''1. \AutoEndMovementBarline

MvmntIIIVoiceII = {
         a,1 a2\AutoBarline
         gis1 fis2\AutoBarline
         e gis e\AutoBarline
         a1 gis2\AutoBarline
         fis1 e2\AutoBarline
         d1 cis2\AutoBarline
         d e e,\AutoBarline
         a, cis a,\AutoBarline
         e gis e\AutoBarline
         a1 gis2\AutoBarline
         fis b b,\AutoBarline
         e cis a,\AutoBarline
         b,1 cis2\AutoBarline
         cis2 eis cis\AutoBarline
         fis cis' cis\AutoBarline
         fis fis' e'\AutoBarline
         dis'2. cis'4 b2\AutoBarline
         r e' d'\AutoBarline
         cis'2. b4 a2\AutoBarline
         d1 dis2\AutoBarline
         e e' d'\AutoBarline
         cis'1 b2\AutoBarline
         r e' d'\AutoBarline
         cis'1 b2\AutoBarline
         a1 gis2\AutoBarline
         fis1 e2\AutoBarline
         d1 cis2\AutoBarline
         b, gis, a,\AutoBarline
         e1 cis2\AutoBarline
         fis1 gis2\AutoBarline
         a1 cis2\AutoBarline
         d dis1\AutoBarline
         e gis,2\AutoBarline
         a, e e,\AutoBarline
         a, a gis\AutoBarline
         e \AutoEndMovementBarline

MvmntIIIVoiceIIBassFiguresLine = \figuremode {
\set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #1
\set figuredBassPlusDirection = #1
\override FiguredBass.BassFigure #'font-size = #-1
%figures follow
\set Staff.implicitBassFigures = #'(0)
<6>2<7  >2<  6>2
<6 4>2<4>1
<6>2<6 5>2<4>2
<_>2<6 4>2<6>2
<4  >2<  3>2
<6>2<7>2<7 _+>2
<_>2<7  >2<  6 5>2
<7  >1<  6>2
<7 _+>2<_>2
<7 _+>2<_+>2<_>2
<6>2<_>2<6 4>2
<6>2<5  >2<  6>2
<6>2<7  >2<  6>2
<6>2<7  >2<  6>2
<4  >2<  3>2
<6>2<7  >2<  6>2
<5/>2<4  >2<  3>2
<7  >1<  6+>2

MvmntIVVoiceI = {
    \overrideTimeSignatureSettings 2/2 1/4 #'(1 1 1 1) #'()
\time 2/2  %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:95:18023:21
 \partial 256*128  a'4 d''\AutoBarline
         d''( cis''8-\trill b'8) cis''4 fis''\AutoBarline
         e''2 a''\AutoBarline
         gis''4 fis'' e'' d''\AutoBarline
         cis''-\trill b'4 d''2\AutoBarline
         cis''4-\trill b'4 d''2\AutoBarline
         cis''4-\trill b'4 d''2\AutoBarline
         cis''8( d'') e''4 gis'-\trill a'4\AutoBarline
         b' e' b'8 e' b' e''\AutoBarline
         cis'' e'' a'' cis'' b' e' b' e'' %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:189:18145:21
         cis''8 e''16( d'' cis'' b' a'8) cis'' a' cis'' fis''\AutoBarline
         dis'' fis'' b'' dis'' cis'' fis' cis'' fis''\AutoBarline
         dis'' fis''16( e'' dis'' cis'' b'8) fis'' b' fis'' b''\AutoBarline
         gis'' b'' e''' gis'' fis'' b' fis'' b''\AutoBarline
         gis''4-\trill fis''4 a'' gis''\AutoBarline
         fis''-\trill e''4 fis'' b'8 dis''\AutoBarline
         e''4 e' b' cis''\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { cis''8 b' a' } \tuplet 3/2 { b' cis'' dis'' } e''4 a'\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { a'8 gis' fis' } \tuplet 3/2 { gis' a' b' } cis''4 fis'\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { fis'8 e' dis' } e' cis'' gis'4 fis'-\trill\AutoBarline
         e'2 \pageBreak \bar ":..:" e''4 b'\AutoBarline
         e'8 b' e'' d'' cis'' d'' b' d''\AutoBarline
         cis''4-\trill \grace {b'8(}  a'4) a'' e''\AutoBarline
         a'8 e'' a'' g'' fis'' g'' e'' g''\AutoBarline
         fis''4-\trill \grace {e''8(}  d''4) fis'' fis''\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { fis''8 g' a' } \tuplet 3/2 { b' cis'' d'' } e''4 e''\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { e''8 fis' gis' } \tuplet 3/2 { ais' b' cis'' } d''4 d''\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { d''8 cis'' b' } \tuplet 3/2 { d'' cis'' b' } fis'4 ais'\AutoBarline
         b'2 b''4 fis''\AutoBarline
         b'8 fis'' b'' a'' gis'' a'' fis'' a''\AutoBarline
         gis''4-\trill \grace {fis''8(}  e''4) a'' e''\AutoBarline
         fis''8 d'' e'' cis'' d'' b' cis'' a'\AutoBarline
         b'2 e''4 a''\AutoBarline
         a''2 fis''4 b'' %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:89:18589:22
         b''2 gis''4 cis'''\AutoBarline
         cis'''8 b'' cis''' a'' d''' cis''' b'' a''\AutoBarline
         b''4 e'' c'''8 a'' a'' c'''\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { c'''( b'' a'') } b''4 \tuplet 3/2 { c'''8 b'' a'' } \tuplet 3/2 { b'' c''' a'' }         gis''4-\trill e''4 \tuplet 3/2 { g''8 fis'' g'' } \tuplet 3/2 { e'' fis'' g'' }%40
         \tuplet 3/2 { g''( fis'' e'') } fis''4 \tuplet 3/2 { f''8 e'' f'' } \tuplet 3/2 { d'' e'' f'' }         \tuplet 3/2 { f''( e'' d'') } e''4 b'8 e'' d'' e''\AutoBarline
         cis'' e'' a'' e'' \tuplet 3/2 { fis'' e'' d'' } \tuplet 3/2 { fis'' e'' d'' }         e''4 a' \tuplet 3/2 { d''8 cis'' b' } \tuplet 3/2 { d'' cis'' b' }         cis'' e'' a' cis'' b' a'' b' gis''\AutoBarline
         a''4 a' e'' fis''\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { fis''8 e'' d'' } \tuplet 3/2 { e'' fis'' gis'' } a''4 d''\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { d''8 cis'' b' } \tuplet 3/2 { cis'' d'' e'' } fis''4 b'\AutoBarline
         \tuplet 3/2 { b'8 a' gis' } a' fis'' cis''4 b'-\trill\AutoBarline
         a'8 a'' a' b' cis''4 b'-\trill\AutoBarline
         a'8 a''<>  \p a'8 b' cis''4 b'-\trill\AutoBarline
         a'2 \bar ":|."}

MvmntIVVoiceII = {
         \time 2/2  \partial 256*128  r2\AutoBarline
         r a,4 d\AutoBarline
         d cis8 b, cis4 fis\AutoBarline
         e fis gis e\AutoBarline
         a e fis gis\AutoBarline
         a e fis gis\AutoBarline
         a e fis gis\AutoBarline
         a cis b, a,\AutoBarline
         e e, gis, e,\AutoBarline
         a, a gis e\AutoBarline
         a, a ais fis\AutoBarline
         b, b ais fis\AutoBarline
         b, b dis' b\AutoBarline
         e e' dis' b %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:92:18294:21
         \tuplet 3/2 { e'8 fis' e' } \tuplet 3/2 { dis' e' dis' } \tuplet 3/2 { cis' dis' cis' } \tuplet 3/2 { b cis' b }         \tuplet 3/2 { a b a } \tuplet 3/2 { gis a gis } a4 b\AutoBarline
         e8 gis b gis e4 e'\AutoBarline
         dis' dis cis cis'\AutoBarline
         b b, a, a~ \AutoBarline
         a gis8 a b4 b,\AutoBarline
         e2 \bar ":..:" r2\AutoBarline
         r a4 e\AutoBarline
         a,2 r\AutoBarline
         r d'4 a\AutoBarline
         d d, \tuplet 3/2 { d8 e fis } \tuplet 3/2 { d e fis }         g2 \tuplet 3/2 { cis8 d e } \tuplet 3/2 { cis d e }         fis2 \tuplet 3/2 { b,8 cis d } \tuplet 3/2 { b, cis d }         e2 fis4 fis,\AutoBarline
         b,2 r\AutoBarline
         r e'4 b\AutoBarline
         e8 b e' d' cis' b cis' a\AutoBarline
         d'4 cis' b a\AutoBarline
         e'8 e gis e cis a cis' a\AutoBarline
         d' d fis e dis b dis' b\AutoBarline
         e' e gis fis e cis' e' cis'\AutoBarline
         fis'4 fis gis a\AutoBarline
         e r a, r\AutoBarline
         e r dis r\AutoBarline
         e r e' r\AutoBarline
         a r d' r %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:96:18914:22
         gis4 r e r\AutoBarline
         a r d r\AutoBarline
         a, a gis e\AutoBarline
         a cis d e\AutoBarline
         a,8 cis e cis a,4 a\AutoBarline
         gis gis, fis, fis\AutoBarline
 e4 e, d, d~ \AutoBarline
         d cis8 d e4 e,\AutoBarline
         fis cis8 d e4 e,\AutoBarline
         fis cis8 d e4 e,\AutoBarline
         a,2 \bar ":|."}

MvmntIVVoiceIIBassFiguresLine = \figuremode {
\set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #1
\set figuredBassPlusDirection = #1
\override FiguredBass.BassFigure #'font-size = #-1
%figures follow
\set Staff.implicitBassFigures = #'(0)

<6 5>4<4>4<_>8<_>8<6>4

 \tuplet 3/2 {<_>8<_>8<_>8} \tuplet 3/2 {<6>8<_>8<_>8} \tuplet 3/2 {<6>8<_>8<_>8} \tuplet 3/2 {<6 4>8<_>8<_>8}
 \tuplet 3/2 {<6 5>8<_>8<_>8} \tuplet 3/2 {<6>8<_>8<_>8}<6 5>4
<6>4<7>4<6 _+>4<7>4
<6 5>4
<4+>4<6>8<6 4+>8<6 4>4
<7 _+>4<_>2
<_>4<_>4 \tuplet 3/2 {<_>8<_>8<_>8} \tuplet 3/2 {<_>8<_>8<_>8}
<7>2 \tuplet 3/2 {<7>8<_>8<_>8} \tuplet 3/2 {<_>8<_>8<_>8}
<7 _+>2 \tuplet 3/2 {<_>8<_>8<_>8} \tuplet 3/2 {<_>8<_>8<_>8}
<7 _+>4<_>2
<_>8<6 5>4<6>4<6>4
<_>8<7>4<6 5>4<5/>4
<_>4<6 4  >8<  3>8<_>4<7  >8<  6>8
<7-  >8<  6 4>8<_>4<_->4<_>4
<7-  >8<  6>8<_>4<_>4
<_>4<_>4<_>4<6 5>4
<_>4<_>4<_>4<6 5>4
<6 5>4<4>4<6>8<6 5>8<6 4>4
<7 3>4<5>4<6>8<6 5>8<6 4>4
<7 3>4
<5>4<6>8<6 5>8<4>4

\header{DenemoLayoutName = "Solo"
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\header {
tagline = \markup {"/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/Op44/junk.denemo" on \simple #(strftime "%x" (localtime (current-time)))}
tagline =  \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-ScoreTagline)"  ""}

composer = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookComposer)" {Boismortier}}
arranger = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookArranger)" {Edited by Richard Shann}}
tagline = \markup { \with-url #"http://www.denemo.org"; "Source file at http://denemo.org"}
title = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookTitle)" {Sonata V}}
date = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookDate)" {Op. 44}}
instrumentation = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookInstrumentation)" {Transverse Flute}}
instrumentation = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookInstrumentation)" {Treble Recorder}}
arranger = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookArranger)" {Arranged by Richard Shann}}
incipit = 
\markup \score {\DenemoGlobalTranspose
{ \clef treble     \time 4/4     \key a \major   \partial 256*32 %/home/rshann/musicScores/Boismortier/IMSLP307159-PMLP496884-Boismortier_JB_-_6_Sonates_Flûte_&_Basse,_Œuv_44.pdf:60:15693:18
 e '' 8 a ' 8. gis ' 16 a '  cis ''  b '  d ''  cis '' 8-\trill \grace {b ' 8(}  a ' ) cis ''  d ''  e ''  e ''  e ''  d '' 16 cis ''  b ' 8-\trill e ' 8 r b ' 16 cis '' 
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
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\layout {indent = 33.0}
#(define-public (format-bass-figures figure event context)
  (let* ((fig (ly:event-property event 'figure))
         (fig-markup (if (number? figure)

                         ;; this is not very elegant, but center-aligning
                         ;; all digits is problematic with other markups,
                         ;; and shows problems in the (lack of) overshoot
                         ;; of feta-alphabet glyphs.
                         ((if (<= 10 figure)
                              (lambda (y) (make-translate-scaled-markup
                                           (cons -0.7 0) y))

                           ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'diminished))
                            (markup #:slashed-digit figure))
                           ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented-slash))
                            (markup #:backslashed-digit figure))
                           (else (markup #:number (number->string figure 10)))))

         (alt (ly:event-property event 'alteration))
          (if (number? alt)
               #:general-align Y DOWN #:fontsize
               (if (not (= alt DOUBLE-SHARP))
                   ;-2 2 ;; is the default
                    (if (not fig-markup) 0 -2) 4 ;; changed
               (alteration->text-accidental-markup alt))

         (plus-markup (if (eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented))
                          (markup #:number "+")

         (alt-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassAlterationDirection))
         (plus-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassPlusDirection)))

    (if (and (not fig-markup) alt-markup)
          (set! fig-markup (markup #:left-align #:pad-around 0.3 alt-markup))
          (set! alt-markup #f)))

    (if (and (eqv? 0 (ly:duration-log  (ly:event-property event 'duration))) (markup? fig-markup))
        fig-markup (markup #:translate (cons 1.0 0)
                        #:center-align fig-markup)))

    (if alt-markup
        (set! fig-markup
              (markup #:put-adjacent
                      X (if (number? alt-dir)
                      #:pad-x 0.2 #:raise (if (= alt FLAT) 0.1 -0.1) alt-markup))) ;changed

    (if plus-markup
        (set! fig-markup
              (if fig-markup
                  (markup #:put-adjacent
                          X (if (number? plus-dir)
                          #:pad-x 0.2 plus-markup)

    (if (markup? fig-markup)
        (markup #:fontsize -2 fig-markup)
\layout {
  \context {
    figuredBassFormatter = #format-bass-figures
\layout {\context {\Score 
    barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 1) 
    \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #begin-of-line-visible }}
\paper { page-count=5}#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
#(set-global-staff-size 22)
\paper {

print-all-headers = ##t

page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t
page-limit-inter-system-space-factor = 1.2
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   \fill-line {
     \on-the-fly #not-part-first-page \fromproperty #'header:instrumentation
     \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \number \fromproperty 

   %% evenHeaderMarkup would inherit the value of
   %% oddHeaderMarkup if it were not defined here
   evenHeaderMarkup = \markup
   \fill-line {
     \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \number \fromproperty 
     \on-the-fly #not-part-first-page \fromproperty #'header:instrumentation

} #(set-global-staff-size 22) \paper {

min-systems-per-page  = 2

\titledPiece \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-TitledPiece)" "I - Andante"}

\score { %Start of Movement

<< \DenemoGlobalTranspose 
<<  \new ChoirStaff <<

%Start of Staff
  \new Staff = "Solo" \with { instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Transverse Flute" }instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Treble Recorder" } }<< 
 \new Voice = "MvmntIVoiceI"  { 
  \clef treble    \key a \major    \time 4/4   \MvmntIVoiceI
                        } %End of voice

                        >> %End of Staff
 >>%Closing staff group end for part layout


\header {
title = ##f
instrument = ##f


       } %End of Movement
\titledPiece \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-TitledPiece)" "II - Allegro"}

\score { %Start of Movement

<< \DenemoGlobalTranspose 
<<  \new ChoirStaff <<

%Start of Staff
  \new Staff = "Solo" \with { instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Transverse Flute" }instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Treble Recorder" } }<< 
 \new Voice = "MvmntIIVoiceI"  { 
  \clef treble    \key a \major    \time 3/4   \MvmntIIVoiceI
                        } %End of voice

                        >> %End of Staff
 >>%Closing staff group end for part layout


\header {
title = ##f
instrument = ##f


       } %End of Movement

\titledPiece \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-TitledPiece)" "III - Adagio"}

\score { %Start of Movement

<< \DenemoGlobalTranspose 
<<  \new ChoirStaff <<

%Start of Staff
  \new Staff = "Solo" \with { instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Transverse Flute" }instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Treble Recorder" } }<< 
 \new Voice = "MvmntIIIVoiceI"  { 
  \clef treble    \key a \major    \time 3/2   \MvmntIIIVoiceI
                        } %End of voice

                        >> %End of Staff
 >>%Closing staff group end for part layout


\header {
title = ##f
instrument = ##f


       } %End of Movement
\titledPiece \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-TitledPiece)" "IV - Gavotta"}

\score { %Start of Movement

<< \DenemoGlobalTranspose 
<<  \new ChoirStaff <<

%Start of Staff
  \new Staff = "Solo" \with { instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Transverse Flute" }instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Treble Recorder" } }<< 
 \new Voice = "MvmntIVVoiceI"  { 
  \clef treble    \key a \major   \numericTimeSignature
 \time 2/2   \MvmntIVVoiceI
                        } %End of voice

                        >> %End of Staff
 >>%Closing staff group end for part layout


\header {
title = ##f
instrument = ##f


       } %End of Movement

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