About time signatures, the Notation Reference says briefly,

> Time signatures are printed at the beginning of a piece
> and whenever the time signature changes.

That is true, but incomplete: time signatures are also printed when the time 
signature hasn't changed -- and it has been that way for years.

Time_signature_engraver::process_music has this condition:

    SCM fr = get_property (this, "timeSignatureFraction");
    if (!scm_is_eq (last_time_fraction_, fr) && scm_is_pair (fr))
        // . . . create the grob . . .

scm_is_eq tells whether these two things refer to the very same instance; if 
they are different pairs containing equal values, the grob is created.  
Essentially, this creates a time signature whenever `\time` is used.

I haven't tested key signatures, but Key_engraver::process_music looks similar.

Clefs work differently.

Anyone want to weigh in on whether anything should be done about these 
inconsistencies?  Do they call for editing the documentation? something more 


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