Am 08.04.2024 um 23:40 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld:

Thanks for testing! I assume this is also enabling Guile optimizations
during LilyPond runtime? It would be interesting to see if there's a
gain from just compiling the bytecode with optimizations. That would be
a one-time cost that may be worth paying, especially if we had proper
standalone bytecode compilation that parallelizes...
IIUC, this will only enable Guile optimizations during runtime when
calling LilyPond
with -dcompile-scheme-code=#t.  My measurements were done without this
so this is already the case you mentioned.

Out of curiosity, I tested setting the optimization level to the maximum
value (9).
Bytecode compilation speed is exactly the same as with the default (2),
runtime speed
is not better than with level 2, however.

Btw, I'm curious if -dcompile-scheme-code will work on Windows with your
recent fixes
for Guile on mingw64. Currently, it even segfaults for me.


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