> No matter if I'm trying to type in something of my own or trying to
> compile those example pieces at the Lilypond web site, I run into
> this error about 98% of the time.
> Parsing...error: lilypond: command exited with value 11
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr//bin/ly2dvi", line 834, in ?
>     run_lilypond (files, outbase, dep_prefix)
>   File "/usr//bin/ly2dvi", line 432, in run_lilypond
>     system ('lilypond %s %s ' % (opts, fs))
>   File "/usr//bin/ly2dvi", line 234, in system
>     error (msg)
>   File "/usr//bin/ly2dvi", line 132, in error
>     raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
> The "petite ouverture a danser" and "twinkle twinkle little star" both
> cause it, as does almost everything I do - and my syntax is correct:
> I can compile any isolated part of anything I do perfectly fine, and
> sometimes changing eg. b,8 to b8 causes the compiler to spit at the
> file. What's wrong? My ly2dvi is 1.4.11.

Can you try with 1.4.13? And which version of GUILE do you have, which


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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