[cc-ing mailing list]

> >Are you using
> >point-and-click?

> I have to admit that I haven't gotten around yet to trying out p & c. 
> [..] I do all my 
> LilyPond editing on gedit (or, occasionally, vim).

it turns out that VIM also supports this type of operation.


   gvim --servername "lilyserver"

this will start the edit server

   gvim --servername "lilyserver" --remote +666 file.txt

will jump to line 666 of file.txt. Setting XEDITOR to

   export XEDITOR="gvim --servername "lilyserver" --remote +%l %f"

should do the trick. You can also send more commands via --sendkeys
(to get the column positioning ok), but that is left to the reader as
an excercise.

Instructions for other editors are also welcome, of course.

(as are patches for the manual!)

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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