David Raleigh Arnold wrote:

On Monday 31 March 2003 05:32 am, Joerg Anders wrote:

Hi all!
Some users requested LilyPond export of segno, dal segno ... in
NoteEdit. I've problems to understand the system. (I never was
at music school) Maybe it is too easy ;-) Note! I have to
implement the replay!

Perhaps somebody could give a short answer to 6 questions:

1.) Is the sequence:
        notes1  segno  notes2 dal segno notes3
  the same as:
      notes1  ||: notes2 :||  notes3
  So, this form is actually superfluous.(?)

One reason it is not superflous is that between the D.S. and the segno there can be all kinds of repeated or other structures. See below also.

You need to know that after taking a D.S or D.C., repeat signs and
first endings (alternatives) are ignored, and the 2nd ending is played, unless there is a third.

This is the default when there are no other directions.

An illegal workaround is to have a 1.3. alt and a 2.4. alt.   Another
is "D.C. with repeat".

I don't know why you would call it an illegal workaround. If that's what the composer wants that's what s/he writes. This may occur more often in non-classical music but it occurs often enough to be useful, One prolific source of variation is Mexican Dance music. They even add another symbol called the "otra" to get more variations.

Paul Scot

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