David Raleigh Arnold wrote:

On Wednesday 17 September 2003 08:41 am, Pedro Kroger wrote:

Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.6 are available from my website:

Interesting. I didn't get that post.



I'm all between distributions right now, but like every lilypond
debian user who is not developing debian

I am not developing Debian. Many people I know run unstable unless they are running servers.

I run testing and/or stable, so I only install those items from sid absolutely necessary to run

I know many users would like the more usable versions of lilypond-unstable to be compiled for debian-stable if possible.
Testing should usually be possible also. A version of anything with "sid" on it makes people nervous, as well it should.

I do a dist-upgrade from a mostly sid system almost every day and rarely (I don't remember the last one) have problems.

What I mean is that lilypond-unstable doesn't mean "Gonna
bust your system!" but debian-unstable does.

Not to me.


Thanks again, Pedro, for doing what you're doing. And to
all the lilypond team, thanks for a program which still has a
long way to go, but is already the best music typesetter available anywhere.

I second that.

Paul Scott

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