I am using the attached code provided by Amelie Zapf.

I get this error
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)

and a short stem on each slash.

Any ideas?


Paul Scott

sl = {
          \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'slash
          \property Voice.Stem \override #'length = #-1
nsl = {
         \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'style
         \property Voice.Stem \revert #'length }

gtr = \notes\relative c'' {
    \sl b4 b b b
\score {
    \context Staff = guitar \gtr

Attachment: slash.pdf
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