chip wrote:

I am using relative mode to enter notes, and have defined a variable to hold a phrase, which contains one ' mark on the first note. When I call that variable in the piece multiple times consequitively, it is raised an octave each time because of the ' mark. I can't add a , to the last note becuase that will lower the last note an octave too low. Is there a way to work around this or should I use absolute mode?
The code in question is copied below.

The code in question -

interTwo = \notes {
        r8 r16 fis' fis4 r gis
        ais4 r8 ais gis4 ais

It looks like you are answering your own questions but:

How about

interTwo = \notes\relative c' {
        r8 r16 fis fis4 r gis
        ais4 r8 ais gis4 ais


Paul Scott

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