Hi Jim,

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Jim Long <lilyp...@umpquanet.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 04:44:52PM +0200, Urs Liska wrote:
> >
> > What we have in Frescobaldi depends on what we can "catch" by either
> > listening through engravers or by redefining command. So far I haven't
> > found a notion of a grob knowing if it has been tweaked or not.
> As a Scheme/Lilypond novice sitting on the sidelines, I have a
> difficult time judging whether my comments are obvious, stupid,
> trival, useless, impractical, or some exquisite combination of all
> five, but ....  (oh, and there's "poorly thought-out")

Not at all !

> If the grob doesn't know whether it's been tweaked, then perhaps
> \tweak could do it?

Of course, if a grob could know that it's been tweaked--info stored in a
new property 'tweaked--then it would be a simple matter harvesting them.

> Or, perhaps one could create a wrapper directive
> \ctweak which invokes \tweak to perform the specific tweak that was
> requested, and then \ctweak could also color the grob that got
> tweaked?  Having to change one's code from tweak to ctweak and back
> may be less than ideal.  Perhaps a global variable (ugh) could be
> used by \ctweak, defaulting to black, so that by default \tweak
> and \ctweak are equivalent, except that a user of \ctweak could
> alter the global color variable to something other than black,
> resulting in all the \ctweaks appearing in that color.

Sure you could do something like this sketch which handles [\once]
\override and \revert:
\version "2.19"

override-color = #red

show-colors = ##t

coverride =
#(define-music-function (parser location arg value)
   (symbol-list-or-symbol? scheme?)
   (if show-colors
       (let* ((path-len (length arg))
              (context (if (= path-len 3) (car arg) '()))
              (grob (if (null? context) (car arg) (cadr arg)))
              (color-path (if (null? context)
                              (list grob 'color)
                              (list context grob 'color))))
           \override #color-path = #override-color
           \override #arg = #value
       #{ #}))

crevert =
#(define-music-function (parser location arg)
   (if show-colors
       (let* ((path-len (length arg))
              (context (if (= path-len 3) (car arg) '()))
              (grob (if (null? context) (car arg) (cadr arg)))
              (color-path (if (null? context)
                              (list grob 'color)
                              (list context grob 'color))))
           \revert #color-path
           \revert #arg
       #{ #}))

  \coverride Stem.thickness 3
  \crevert Stem.thickness
  \once \coverride Stem.thickness 5

There's a more sophisticated way to go about getting a grob's "property
path" and checking its validity.)

> I can't think offhand how to extend this to support users who use
> a color other than black as the base color for engraved grobs, or
> for how to show tweaked grobs which already use \ctweak's global
> tweak color.  But if \tweak is defined in terms of Scheme/Guile
> code (I'm ignorant on that point), perhaps a Scheme guru can
> write a first-order approximation of \ctweak that could be
> included in any project's source code where it is desired.
> A deeper change might be to add a property to all grobs that
> contains a tweak-count, initialized to 0.  \tweak would increment
> the count of each grob it touches, and then the grobs would know
> whether they've been tweaked or not.  Pretty sure this is the
> "obvious" option in paragraph 1.

Sure, or store the property path of the tweak instead of a simple count.

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