On Sat, 2 May 2015, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:

I fixed this issue on my system by reverting to a previous version of
fontconfig (see the other post in the list that talks about F22, or my bug
report on the bug-list). What version of fontconfig are you using? I found
that reverting to 2.11.1 (the latest available on my system is 2.11.93)
fixed this issue. The command that's failing is 'gs', but that wasn't -- at
least for me -- the source of the failure.

I tried reverting fontconfig from 2.11.93 to 2.11.1 and that didn't fix the problem with LilyPond on Fedora 22 for me. Instead it introduced new error messages.

IMO downgrading a component (even if it would work, which on my system it doesn't) is not a real bugfix, only a workaround. There is always the risk that downgrading a component solves one issue, but (re-)introduces other bugs that were fixed in the newest version of that component.

Also read my other reaction, about keeping different issues separate.



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