On 2015-08-21 08:54, tisimst wrote:

    We have a full score for an ensemble of several instruments that
    has a top line of extensive annotations. How does one go about
    creating this so that it appears not only in the full score, but
    also in every individual part?

    I have started to look at defining a custom context for a hidden
    staff that holds the brackets, but I am lost at this point.

     I feel sure this must be a common design pattern, which I can not
    yet discern.

    See attached sample image.


I often will create another voice for structure, using spacer rests to align things, and put it in a variable that is reused in the full score and each part. This voice is placed in parallel with the other main voice of the first Staff. Or, you can put the same voice but in a separate, dedicated Dynamics context above the first staff. Either one of those should do what you need.

- Abraham

Normally I'd use a Devnull (context) for common parallel common stuff (including rehearsal marks, time signatures, tempo markings etc.). So I would say that this is the common design pattern.

But as I understand it you are using modified textspanners for the annotations, so this will not work in your case. To change the basic structure as little as possible I would then use a Dynamics (context) instead of the Devnull context.

(Just a personal testimony from a user.)

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