Am 13.12.2015 um 14:09 schrieb Graham Breed:
> On 13/12/15 12:48, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
>> Take a look at (sorry; mround is the equivalend
>> function in
>> the spreadsheet I use to do the same thing). Those functions will
>> convert
>> the input (given as a fraction comprising two integers) into Lily's
>> semitone values. That should allow you to convert between
>> just-intonation
>> ratios an the nearest note name. Urs has some comments in there
>> explaining
>> a bit how it works.
> Converting from ratios to cents is easy.  Converting between ratios
> and cents requires a function from cents to ratios.  That's a lot more
> difficult because information is lost.  You got us excited by
> suggesting that had been solved.

Well, this is because conversion from cent to ratio isn't part of the
objective currently. And as it is not a part of Andrews thinking as a
composer he didn't think of a possible ambiguity here ...

While I wouldn't object integrating the other direction of the
conversion in a library I'd say it's currently not on the agenda, as
we're solely discussing ways to display pitches that are conceived as
ratios over fundamentals.

>From that perspective cent values are not actual data but rather
results, and even stricter: a compromise to incorporate data in the
tempered notation system most instrument(alist)s are used to.


>                   Graham
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