On 23/12/15 15:02, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Bernhard,
>> > When I searched for Lilypond transponieren (transpose) I was not at all
>> > clear that this could be done on an entire piece. There is no example
>> > where score is mentioned.
> While it doesn’t explicitly say “score”, it does [at least on the English 
> site] say: “Consider a piece written in the key of D-major. It can be 
> transposed up to E-major; note that the key signature is automatically 
> transposed as well.” The subsequent example shows an entire score being 
> transposed in that manner. In light of the phrase “a piece” and the included 
> example, I believe the documentation implies “a score”.
> I would imagine that being explicit simply isn’t possible, since one would 
> have to then change the example to be at least
>    \score {
>     \new GrandStaff <<
>       \new StaffGroup <<
>         \new Staff \relative { … the music … }
>       >>
>     >>
>    }
> and even that might not be explicit enough for some people (e.g., “What if I 
> want to transpose a score with a ChoirStaff in it?”).

What you might do is give a "for example", the obvious example being the
trombone :-)

Where I always work conceptually in bass clef concert, and then just
wrap the entire piece in a single transpose if I need treble clef b-flat.

You then have to hope that the reader puts two and two together and
concludes that you can do that to anything :-)


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