Hi Carl-Henrik,

> As far as i can see this Brandt & Roemer thing is a work in progress.


> I'm thankfull somebody seems to be working on it! 

You’re welcome.  =)

> There is however much to be done before chords in Lilypond are mature enough 
> to use for jazz chord notation.

I don’t think anybody argues that point.

> I'm crossing my fingers that a lilypond-programmer reads this and takes pity 
> on us who needs this for our work.

One of the reasons I’m developing the B&R stylesheet is that it is the most 
complete and logical *organization* of chords that I've ever found. (The actual 
*naming*, on the other hand… well…)

Once the file is complete — including all programming (Scheme functions, etc.) 
necessary to make the B&R stylesheet work as intended — and it passes some 
vetting/consensus process in the Lilypond community, I’m hoping it will become 
the template for a rapid proliferation of chord-naming stylesheets, which will 
naturally include more conventional/accepted naming schemes.

Best regards,

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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