> The reality is that the world, given the ubiquity of broadband and
graphical interfaces, has moved on from plain text.
> It is no longer the standard and has not been for a decade or more- most
Internet users have, I suspect, no knowledge
> of this old standard any longer.  Expecting others to accommodate what is
now an out of date standard will simply
> continue to create issues.  It's like expecting web developers to
accommodate lynx in creating Web pages- probably
> not going to happen very often.
> One can choose to use text-only software but at this point we are
responsible for our own problems if we do.
> The world has changed and left us  behind.

I agree, 400%! But realise this is a mailing list run on ancient "mailman"
software, which doesn't cope well with the HTML format when things are
quoted. You should always try not to use fancy features like colour and
font-styles, which are likely not to work for most users and especially not
in the digests and list history. But the slow internet connection issue is
not really a problem for emails, even at the snail-like speed of 1.6GBs.

To be honest, I'd suggest you ignore the people that whinge about HTML
emails, top-posting, etc. For the 20-something years I've been using the
internet there's always been pedantic arses on mailing lists that would
rather beat people up about the format of emails and people's grammar and
spelling than answer the damn question.

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