OK, I got my preferred algorithm working right as the default positioning
algorithm now.

The algorithm puts dots for notes in spaces in the same space, and then
tries to put dots for notes on lines in adjacent spaces, working its way
out until it finds a space or exceeds chords-dot-limit staff positions.

As expected, with this algorithm there is no difference between
chord-dots-limit = 1 and chord-dots-limit = 2, because dots for notes on
spaces never move, and they are the only dots that can have an offset of 2.

Anyway, I've run through all the tests, and I think that the default
algorithm works exactly according to the Powell algorithm, as I understand

All of the test cases with chord-dots-limit 1 or 2 provide the desired
output, as far as I can see.

Please let me know if you find anything that is different from what you
would like to see, even if it's minor.



Attachment: dots[2].pdf
Description: dots[2].pdf

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