On 11/8/2016 8:14 PM, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> For this person who insults us takes the cowardly
> approach of hiding behind anonymity, against all conventions of mailing list
> communities

I expect this person experiences the lilypond-user list as a web forum 
via Nabble rather than a mailing list.

In another online community, the grc.com newsgroups (Steve Gibson, 
SecurityNow, SpinRite, ShieldsUp, etc) which are NNTP-only and not even 
email, there is a recurring claim that quality of discussions stays 
higher on a newsgroup if it's not mindlessly easy for any passerby to 
post messages to it. I am not suggesting that lilypond-user should 
emulate that, though. Rather, I've been favorably impressed with the 
considerable grace and intelligence shown here to various 
less-experienced users, who occasionally or usually fail to abide by 
community norms. But of course, you can't barge into an established 
community, push all the hot buttons in sight, and expect lots of love 
and respect for doing so.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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