Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> mclaren,
>> Inserting \bar "|" in one staff draws lines through all the other staffs.
>> There is no way to prevent this. It's a classic example of bad program
>> design, and we all just have to live with it. 
> I have used Lilypond to engrave many of my scores where various staves
> have different/non-coinciding barlines. The fact that you apparently
> do not have sufficient skill to accomplish the task

Stop right here.  We don't expect people to be born with such skills so
the question rather is whether the possibilities are reasonable
discoverable in the manual.

I think that polyrhythms are suitable indexed to find them if you are
seriously looking.

> does not mean that Lilypond is unable to do it when used by someone
> who knows what they’re talking about.

Not knowing what one is talking about is what we all have to start with,
so that is nothing to be ashamed of.  But one has to realize that it is
a starting point rather than an end or a philosophy, and it's a lens
that the documentation writers have to look through habitually in order
to serve their audience.

I think we are more successful with that than mclaren would agree with,

David Kastrup

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