Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> On Nov 16, 2016, at 11:09 PM, mclaren <> wrote:
>> "You do realize, don't you, that if you had just asked for help creating 
>> that music, Kieren would have helped you and taught you some of his coding 
>> skills (and he IS really good, BTW). "
>> Not likely. What I realize is that Kieren is good with photoshop.
> Ah, poor deluded mclaren… I don’t even own Photoshop (or anything like
> it).  Or more to the point of how you seem to be approaching things:
> “When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."
> Note that in the snippet below, I fixed the last “single note” tuplet that I 
> hadn’t noticed was there the first time.

It's worth noting that something like this may work in a minimal example
and fail when it occurs 20 measures into the score since LilyPond keeps
track of the current time as a fraction too, and if p/q fits its sizes,
that does not mean that p/q+80 (or whatever) will also fit.

So it's quite possible to "demonstrate" that something works when it is
not actually usable in practice.

Of course the Photoshop accusation is pure delusion: who'd go to that
kind of work for that kind of gain?

But there are also ways to "photoshop" in LilyPond and generate visuals
that do not actually correspond to LilyPond's own idea of the music.
And those, cast into music functions, might be the best path towards
getting such stuff reliably typeset until LilyPond's precision catches

David Kastrup

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