Am 30.12.2016 um 07:27 schrieb Bumby Hymnal:
I've run into a problem with using \partcombine while using
\aikenHeads.  The problem is that under certain circumstances the aiken
shape note heads are not used in the output of \partcombine.  The
strange thing is that it sometimes works.

\aikenHeads is a shorthand for \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(do re miMirror fa sol la ti) which affects only the current Voice context. \partcombine uses sometimes one and sometimes two voices so it’s not always the same Voice context. This means that only the notes that have the same voice assignment as the first notes are in the same Voice context(s).

This is not an \aikenHeads problem but all Voice-only \overrides and \sets show the same behaviour, so here’s some other examples and a solution:

%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN

\version "2.19.49"

\markup "original problem, two short examples"

\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \aikenHeads c' d' e' f' }
{ \aikenHeads a  d' c' f' }
\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \aikenHeads f' e' d' c' }
{ \aikenHeads f' c' d' a  }

\markup "not an \aikenHead problem but a “Voice-only \set or \override” problem"

\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \override NoteHead.color = #blue c' d' e' f' }
{ \override NoteHead.color = #blue a  d' c' f' }
\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \override NoteHead.color = #blue f' e' d' c' }
{ \override NoteHead.color = #blue f' c' d' a  }

\markup "\overrides on Staff level"

\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \override Staff.NoteHead.color = #blue c' d' e' f' }
{ \override Staff.NoteHead.color = #blue a  d' c' f' }
\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \override Staff.NoteHead.color = #blue f' e' d' c' }
{ \override Staff.NoteHead.color = #blue f' c' d' a  }

\markup "solution: add “Staff.” to the definition of \aikenHeads (from"

staffAikenHeads = \set Staff.shapeNoteStyles = ##(do re miMirror fa sol la ti)

\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \staffAikenHeads c' d' e' f' }
{ \staffAikenHeads a  d' c' f' }
\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ \staffAikenHeads f' e' d' c' }
{ \staffAikenHeads f' c' d' a  }

\markup "or, if you use \aikenHeads everywhere, put the \aikenHeads into a \layout block:"

% This is commented out because it would affect also the scores above.
\layout {
  \context {

\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ c' d' e' f' }
{ a  d' c' f' }
\partcombine #'(2 . 12)
{ f' e' d' c' }
{ f' c' d' a  }

%%%%%%%%%%% END

By the way: what’s this optional \partcombine argument introduced in 2.19? I haven’t found any documentation.

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