I know I am responding late to this, but you don't say
what OS your are using or even what text editor.
I am guessing that you are using some sort of
simple text editor like NotePad or Gedit.

My tip for quick data entry is to learn a Unix
text editor such as Vi or Emacs (personally, I use
Vi/Vim).  There is a learning curve with Vi, but once you
know what you are doing, entering/copying/manipulating
text becomes lighting fast.

Samuel Speer <samuelsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It takes me ages to enter the note data into LilyPond. Last night I spent
> almost an hour a page just getting notes and lyrics in. Does anyone have any
> tips for quick entry? I do have a midi keyboard but haven't tried it much.
> It seems slow because I have to switch back and forth with the computer
> keyboard to do articulations, durations, etc.

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