Rob Torop <> writes:

> When I enter a 13th chord like this e:13, it renders with a 9 as well.
> I know a 13 chord officially contains the 9 and 11, and that lilypond
> by convention will omit the 11.  But I don't really want to have the 9
> showing.  Do I inadvertently have some setting on that is giving me
> this?

Minimal example:

\version "2.19.50"

\chords { e:13 }
The default chord printer is Ignatzek.  No idea whether this would count
as a bug with the Ignatzek naming framework or not, and how the other
chord printers would behave in comparison.

As a default, the mismatch between input and output seems weird.

David Kastrup
lilypond-user mailing list

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