On 26/02/17 16:04, msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca wrote:
> I've said it clearly enough times already, but I'll say it again:  I think
> there should be a feature to print what was typed, in the visual format of
> chord names, without interpreting it as music.  No more or less.  And this
> is proposed as a new feature, without deleting the existing features.

That's fine.

But imho it should not look like the current chord/chordname stuff.
Something like

\markup { \chordnametext "C13" }

would be perfect. That way, it's clearly markup, and not chords. My
worry is that if it looks like a chord, you're simply moving the
confusion elsewhere.

(And it should still work with things like

\markup { \chordnametext "C13(A13)" }



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