Am 04.03.2017 um 22:59 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
> Many scores use dynamics like “pp sub.” or “f dolce” etc. In order to build 
> such a grob as a DynamicText, I use the following:
> […] 
> 1. I have to define a macro for every single combination in every score. For 
> ppSub and the like, which will be used often, that’s not so bad… but it’s a 
> pain for something like “fffff, as ridiculously loud as physically possible”, 
> which I will hopefully only use once. ;)
> 3. I need a different make-music function for something like “subPP” (i.e., 
> where the order of dynamic and text is reversed).
> 4. I need a different make-music function when it’s simply a text (e.g., 
> “cresc. poco a poco”).

Do you know the \dynamic function from openlilylib? You can find it at
openlilylib/input-shorthands/easy-custom-dynamics and it is used as follows:

  d\dynamic "p" % or \dynamic p (same output as \p)
  e\dynamic "p e dolce"
  f\dynamic "più p"
  g\dynamic "cresc. poco a poco"

The function builds a markup where every word containing *only* p, f, m,
s, z, r (f. e. sffz) is printed in dynamic letters and every other word
(f. e. poco) is printed in normal-text italics. And it supports
underscores for spaces as I just noticed so you could omit the "":

  % all of the following have the same output
  f\dynamic "più p"
  f\dynamic "più_p"
  f\dynamic più_p

> 2. I have to manually try-and-errorize the self-alignment-X and hspace 
> value(s) for each dynamic I define this way. Graham’s original 
> make-dynamic-extra function tried to handle this issue, but the X-offset 
> tweak made it impossible to reset post-hoc (e.g. when using the 
> edition-engraver), so I had to stop using it.

I’m not sure about self-alignment-X behaviour but for long dynamics like
"ppppp" at start of measure (colliding with bar line) or "p dolce e
espressivo" usually setting self-alignment-X to #LEFT and X-offset to 0
works for me.

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