Hi Everyone,

I have this snippet below that is compilable with lilypond, but when I put
it in a .lytex file and tried compiling the .lytex file with lilypond-book
--latex=lualatex --output=out ___.lytex

I got an error message on compressing over-full page by a bunch of numbers
and programming error: Improbable offset for stencil.

What might be the problem? I was able to do this before. I'm using Sierra
and Lilypond 2.18.2. Many thanks.




\new Staff \with {
    alignAboveContext = #"main"
    % Reduce all font sizes by ~24%
    fontSize = #-2

\relative c' {
\set Score.timing = ##f
\override Staff.BarLine #'bar-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
\override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\key e \major
 e4^\markup { \italic Liturgos } ( dis4) e4 ( fis4) fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4
fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 a4 gis4 fis4 gis2\bar "|" fis4^\markup { \italic
Semua } fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4
gis4 fis4 e4 dis2 ( e2)\override Staff.BarLine #'bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2)
\bar "||"


       \addlyrics {
 Se -- bab cin -- ta un -- tuk ru -- mah-  -- Mu meng -- ha -- ngus -- kan
a -- ku, | dan ka -- ta-  -- ka -- ta yang men -- ce -- la Eng -- kau te --
lah me -- nim -- pa a -- ku.

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