On Mon, 24 Apr 2017, Margaret Voorhaar wrote:

I have  a flute  melody which is 32 bars in length. Is it too late to integrate 
a second flute part beneath this?  Thank-you!
First two bars are below:

It's never too late for anything, once you learn the habit to put your parts in variables, and organise these in a score afterwards.


fluteOne = \relative { .... music for flute One .... }

fluteTwo = \relative { .... music for flute Two .... }

\score {
    \new Staff \fluteOne
    \new Staff \fluteTwo
    \layout {}
    \midi {}

There are also commands for things like staffname, to make the midi playback sound like 2 flutes instead of the default pianosound, to tweak the layout, and much more. Check the LilyPond manuals.



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