IMSLP hosts only free scores, the composer must have been deceased for more
than 70 years. Last time I checked YT was still alive ;-) actually he is
much younger than I am.

I have done engraving of Amelie theme myself for private purposes, I think
the sheet I produced is nicer than Kevin's.


2017-05-24 11:33 GMT+02:00 N. Andrew Walsh <>:

> Hi List,
> doing a quick google search for the title and "sheet music" returns this
> link on the first page:
> Amelie-theme-Yann-Tiersen.pdf
> which was engraved with Lilypond (as noted in the sheet music). I'm
> guessing this is the sheet music to which the OP is referring.
> Sarah, if that is the case, I'm afraid neither Lilypond, nor likely
> anybody on this list, is in a position to grant permission to perform the
> score in question, as it's not from us (that website just used Lilypond to
> do the engraving). Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that piece (as the movie is
> barely a decade old, I think) is still under copyright, so it's entirely
> possible the website itself doesn't have permission to distribute it,
> either.
> That said, as a piano test is not technically a public performance, it's
> entirely possible that this falls under "fair use for educational
> purposes", and that no permission is required. But copyright law is very
> complicated, and different by country (and even by specific circumstance).
> You'll have to use your own best judgment here. Maybe ask your teacher?
> Lastly, I hope you like the score! This list is for people who use the
> software that prints beautiful-looking sheet music, and we're all very
> proud of the results it produces. If you ever want to start writing your
> *own* music, the people here are incredibly helpful and friendly, and will
> gladly (and generously) donate their time to help you. Feel free to drop by
> and ask questions any time.
> Good luck on your piano test!
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Manuela Gößnitzer <
>> wrote:
>> Which website would that be? AFAIK this here is a mailing list, there is
>> no website with music sheets.
>> Greetings
>> Manuela
>> 2017-05-24 2:40 GMT+02:00 Sarah Fosdick <>:
>>> Hi, I am a piano student, and I have a piano test coming up. I know the
>>> song "Comptine d'un autre été - L'aprés-midi by Yann Tiersen. I printed the
>>> sheet music off your website, and was wondering if I have permission to use
>>> the music for my coming up piano test?
>>> Thank you!
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