What would be wrong about just outputting a warning "Trying to include already included file" or something like that and reject
the recursive \include statement?
I came across this when working with a include file collecting cue notes like that:

\include "foo1.ly"
\include "foo2.ly"
\include "foo3.ly"
\addquote "bla1" { \foo1_bla1 }
\addquote "bla2" { \foo2_bla2 }

I change my code to circumvent the recursive loop but I needed a moment to figure out why LilyPond was hanging.
A warning would be nice.
Honestly I did not try it, but I am quite sure that it would be easy to implement a IFDEF mechanism like in C preprocessing with a few lines of Scheme, however.

All the best,

Am 21.06.2017 um 22:03 schrieb msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca:
On Wed, 21 Jun 2017, Michael Käppler wrote:
\include "bar.ly"
\include "foo.ily"
Am I right to consider this a bug?
I don't think so - at least not a bug in Lilypond.  It's just doing what
you told it to do, and most other language parsers that have an "include"
facility will similarly be unable to give a useful result when fed
infinitely recursive include files.  The usual advice to users is not to
write such input.

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