> On 19 Jul 2017, at 23:41, hassan.elfat...@free.fr wrote:
> No spam .

Sorry, probably my ISP added it, and I forgot to remove it.

> It works wonderfully. I am a player of oud and classical guitar , 25 years 
> for guitar and 20 years for oud . I know perfectly the Arab makams.

What does the MIDI at [1] sound to your ears? Are the microtones too low or too 

1. http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2016-02/msg00607.html

> And I wrote a lot of scores. 
> , Using hel_arabic_makam.ly for oud of course.
> look this pdf file music.

I haven't seen the code, but as long as you do not transpose or bother about 
the MIDI it does not matter. If you want to transpose but do not care about the 
MIDI, you might try dividing the sharp into 5 instead of dividing the whole 
tone into 9 as makam.ly does. If you want the tuning to be right, then E53 is 
merely an equal temperament which is very close to Pythagorean tuning, which is 
what you get when tuning the oud in fourths. But on [2], the an accordion in 
E12 with the microtone set rather high, I think, so perhaps it does not matter 
so much.

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvp6fo7tfpk

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