2018-03-31 23:13 GMT+02:00 Bruce Daniel <bruceda...@gmail.com>:
> Just a bit more information.
> The problem only occurs when I have two volta sections back to back.
> Cheers, Bruce
> On 31 March 2018 at 20:41, Bruce Daniel <bruceda...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lilypond users,
>> I've come across a recurring problem with strophic songs I'm working on.
>> It seems that beyond a certain level of complexity I get Exit. In the
>> current example it's return code -1073741819, but it can be other codes.
>> If the engrave fails, I can delete some words from one verse which allows
>> me to add words to another verse. This suggests to me a limiting file size
>> or level of complexity. I've had this problem now with 2 or 3 songs in a
>> 20-song cycle I am working on. The strophic songs are complex in that there
>> are lots of "splits" in the vocal line due to different scanning of the
>> words in different verses.
>> I am currently half a verse from the end of the last song and cannot
>> manage to finish it! I admit to having no clue as to where the fault is
>> coming from. Obviously a tiny example will not simulate it, so unfortunately
>> I can only attach the whole song. You should find (I have tried this on 2
>> computers, both Windows 10) that adding a word or two to the last verse will
>> cause the error. Then delete a word or two from the previous verse and it
>> will work again.
>> Any help you can give would be much appreciated; the project has been a
>> lot of work and the finishing line is in sight!
>> Lilypond version 2.16.0
>> Best regards,
>> Bruce Daniel
>> PS: the effort to learn Lilypond was absolutely worth the effort. The joy
>> of seeing these completed scores of Shubert's music I cannot describe; no
>> other software comes close! Congratulations to all the developers.

Hi Bruce,

your previous mssage was not distributed on the list, it can't be
found in the archives either.
Maybe the attachment was too large, so nobody can test.

That said, 2.16.0 is an ancient version you will not get much support.
According to
the problem may be fixed since 2.19.48.
So I recommend to use an up to date version.
Most recent is 2.19.81


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