Hi Vinicius,

I did it once. I am on Linux so it is straightforward to install imagemagick, qrencode, potrace and idn. These are used to create an EPS-file to include in the markup. If you on a different OS with other tools to create the EPS then you have to adjust the commands. The base idea is to trigger creation of an EPS, include that as an EPS-stencil and then (optionally) remove the temporary EPS-file.


Am 16.05.2018 um 07:55 schrieb Vinicius Mascarenhas:
Hi everybody,

I’m making a huge manual for my group with dozens of pages full of QR codes 
pointing to examples on YouTube and whatnot. For the time being I’m inserting 
them via \epsfile, but then I have to generate, properly name and organize each 
one beforehand. It takes much longer than actually finding the links I need.

Is there by any chance a command or function to generate a code by directly 
pasting the link as a parameter?

Thanks in advance,
lilypond-user mailing list

\version "2.19.80"

#(define-markup-command (qr-code layout props str size idn)(string? number? boolean?)
   "create QR-Code markup from <str> with width <size>. Use IDN for international domain names.
It needs qrencode, imagemagick convert, potrace and optionally idn commands installed in PATH."
  (let ((tmp (format "~A-~2A.eps" (strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" (localtime (current-time))) (random 100)))
        (qr-stencil (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:with-color red #:filled-box (cons 0 size) (cons 0 size) 0.7)))
        (quali (chain-assoc-get 'qr-quality props "L")))
    (if (symbol? str)(let ((tmp (chain-assoc-get str props #f)))
                       (if tmp (set! str tmp))))
    (system (format (if idn
                        "echo \"~A\" | idn --quiet | qrencode -o - -m 0 -l ~A | convert PNG:- BMP:- | potrace -a -1 -o \"~A\""
                        "echo \"~A\" | qrencode -o - -m 0 -l ~A | convert PNG:- BMP:- | potrace -a -1 -o \"~A\"")
              str quali tmp))
    (set! qr-stencil (eps-file->stencil X size tmp))
    (system (format "rm -v \"~A\"" tmp))

\markup { \qr-code #"https://www.lilypond.org/"; #50 ##f }
lilypond-user mailing list

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