On 1 Jan 2019, at 00:22, Carter Sanders wrote:

> Hi-
> Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm new to the list and couldn't find 
> anything about it in the archives. 
> Does anybody know of or use a clairnote-compatibile sheet music reader like 
> forscore? Has anybody tried to feed clairnote into forscore's reflow feature?
> Thanks-
>       Carter

I didn't know about clairnote, nor about Forscore's reflow feature, but I've 
just experimented a bit:

The Mozart string 4tet, K387, at 
 seems to work just fine, as one would expect since Forscore is "just" a PDF 
reader and doesn't really understand the musical notation.

With conventional notation, reflow seems to need a bit of help with very busy 
scores that have many staves per system and variable systems per page.  Other 
than that, it seems quite impressive.  Thanks for pointing it out.

-- Graham

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