I am a lifelong vim user and I cannot imagine any other way
to enter or manipulate text, be it for web pages,
documents (which I create with Latex) or lilypond.

I have looked at Frescobaldi, but once one is fluent
with a Unix editor (which means vim or emacs)
Frescobaldi and other third party tools are
_not_ a time saver.

You ask about workflow though, and apart from
a xterm where I am using vim, a PDF viewer which
automatically reloads an updated file, and a
Makefile, I don't know that there is anything
to offer you.

Here is a tip, which may be obvious to most, but I will
go ahead and list it here.  I have a few small
template-files.  For example, I mostly write contrapuntal
guitar music, and here is something that I pretty much
use in almost every measure of what I code in lilypond:

   \context Voice = "vtwo"

I have the above template in a separate file, we will say
this file is called "v.ly", and when I need this template
I execute in vim:

  :r v.ly

You ask about syntax highlighting.  I use to get lilypond
syntax highlighting to work in vim by having the following line
in my .vimrc file:

   set runtimepath+=/usr/local/share/lilypond/current/vim/

but I see for the last several years, I have had that line
commented out.  I think that is because my lilypond installation
automatically puts the correct files in /usr/share/vim/ and so
lilypond syntax highlighting works immediately for me upon a new
OS installation.  But then, I use Fedora.  What OS do
you work under?

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